Hello Titan dapp Developers~

Some updates & a short guide to testing on Titan Goerli

Suah Kim
Tokamak Network
4 min readAug 31, 2023


Hello Titan dapp developers! This is Suah from Tokamak Network.

Since the opening of Titan network, we had some exciting events such as Titan NFT sale where you are eligible to purchase unique Titan NFTs AND get some physical goods such as t-shirt, water bottle, and physical NFT card in the mail!

T-shirt, water bottle, and physical NFT card ordered by one of my friends. I believe there are still 20 Titan NFTs left to be purchased at https://nft.event.tokamak.network/.

Hopefully we will see more events like Titan NFT and new projects onboarding on Titan.

Ok, enough with chit chat ~ Let’s discuss the recent change in several endpoints to Titan and Titan Goerli.

In Titan team’s monthly update log, there were many noteworthy updates, but I want to focus on the change in Titan Goerli end points and how that will affect your development and testing on Titan Goerli from August 30th, 2023.

More specifically, I will guide you on

  1. How to update Metamask to test on Titan Goerli
  2. What needs to be updated for developer settings
  3. Briefly share how to test on Titan Goerli (and specifically for Tokamak Bridge) for beginners

What is Titan Goerli testnet?

If you want to develop on Titan, Titan Goerli testnet is an excellent place to test out your dapps. Titan Goerli is an L2 testnet based on Tokamak Optimism code base and uses Goerli testnet as L1. It has following properties:

  • Rollup time: ~60 seconds from transaction execution on Titan Goerli.
  • Challenge period: 1 block confirmation (10 seconds).
  • Auto Relay Service (on Goerli): 5 seconds polling interval with 1 minute batch time if there is only 1 transaction, and up to 10 txn per batch.
  • L1→ L2 txn: requires 6 block confirmations (~72 seconds) on Goerli before the L1->L2 txn (such as ETH and ERC20 deposit using Tokamak Bridge) is executed on Titan Goerli. This is done to reduce the Goerli block reorganization which may affect the Titan Goerli states.

I want to thank Steven Lee from Onther Inc, one of the core Titan developers for providing some key aspects about Titan Goerli network.

1. Update Metamask setting for testers on Titan Goerli

In order to reflect the change in RPC and block explorer for Titan Goerli, there are two things you need to change.

  • First, login to your metamask account
  • Click “three vertical dots” located on the top right and click Settings
  • Click on “Networks” menu
  • Click on the existing testnet for Titan Goerli (if you are an old user, it may say Tokamak Goerli or Darius or the name you gave previously)
  • Make sure you have clicked the right network (”Titan Goerli”) and edit the following fields:

New RPC URL → https://rpc.titan-goerli.tokamak.network

Block explorer URL (Optional) → https://explorer.titan-goerli.tokamak.network

  • Click “Save”, and you should be able to connect to Titan Goerli RPC using Metamask now

2. Update settings for developers on Titan Goerli

If you are a developer on Titan Goerli, you need to check following two things:

  • change RPC (https): https://rpc.titan-goerli.tokamak.network
  • change RPC (wss): wss://rpc.titan-goerli.tokamak.network
  • change block explorer URL (if your application has a link to block explorer): https://explorer.titan-goerli.tokamak.network

3. Metamask settings for new testers on Titan Goerli

  • Metamask window will pop-up, check that “Network URL” matches https://rpc.titan-goerli.tokamak.network, “Chain ID” is 5050. If there is no problem, select approve, otherwise edit them to match the information.

4. Testing on Tokamak Bridge on Titan Goerli or Goerli

  • Click on “Connect Wallet” on the top right and connect your wallet
  • You should be able to see Goerli and Titan Goerli. If you want to change to Mainnet setting, change your network to Ethereum or Titan on Metamask.

Developer resources for Titan

To wrap up, I want to share the developer guide link and monthly update log provided by Titan Team. Check out the links below for more information!

Titan Developer guide: https://tokamaknetwork.gitbook.io/home/02-service-guide/titan/developer-guide

Titan Monthly update log (August 2023): https://medium.com/tokamak-network/titan-teams-monthly-update-log-august-2023-4e3c347881df

Have fun developing on Titan Goerli! Ciao~



Suah Kim
Tokamak Network

Ph.D in information security, researcher @ Tokamak Network