C.o.R.E. — The First Token Reactors

The first C.o.R.E. has concluded, and the winners have been chosen by the first act of TOKE governance:

Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2021


The First Five Token Reactors

A quick congratulatory post and update:

We’d like to congratulate the projects that have been voted upon by TOKE holders to be stood up as the first Token Reactors:

  1. FXS — Frax
  2. ALCX — Alchemix
  3. TCR — Tracer DAO
  4. OHM — Olympus DAO
  5. SUSHI— Sushiswap

We’re eager to get the conversation started with their respective DAOs to secure the reserves and prep the Reactors for liquidity deployment. We’ll keep the everyone up to date with the progress of those conversations and any governance proposals that may come as a result.

We’d also like to congratulate TOKE holders for their eager participation in an amazing governance experience. It was competitive, exciting, and informative to listen to the thoughtful discussions regarding what projects should get a Reactor and why.

Important Note for Runner Ups:

As for the Reactors that didn’t make the top five— you’re not out of the running yet. As stated, the top five Reactors will be the immediate priority. However, once we get these Reactors up and running, we’re going to move quickly to allow TOKE holders to vote for the next set of Reactors (think C.o.R.E. Part II).

Bonus incentive for the Reactors that didn’t make the first cut: By keeping your TOKE, Uni LP, or Sushi LP staked, you’ll be able to maintain your voting position on those runner ups for the next event. Additionally, if you keep your votes in their positions leading up to C.o.R.E. 2, you’ll receive a bonus purse of votes equivalent to the amount you already have. Double the votes, double the power. This gives those projects you want to reach ignition an edge going into the next C.o.R.E. event.

Liquidity deployment and full Reactor ignition will take some time — and we’re planning on releasing another article this coming Friday with a rough timeline / road map. We’re also gearing up to finally release our Gitbook, so be on the lookout for that.

Stay tuned, Pilots.

>Live footage of Sushi sliding in at the last second


