Empowering People Through Decentralisation

TA Network
Token Alliance Blog
5 min readAug 30, 2018

Token Alliance Network, with it’s innovative development will help revolutionize the decentralised blockchain network. The core technology behind TAN is “Hypercube Internet Computer (HIC)”, which is the company founders’ creation, which will bring about the implementation of a new type of decentralised network of the blockchain. The goal of the his innovation is to implement decentralisation with the provision of frictionless DApp user experience (Decentralised Application). The application will have similar response speed and user experience as other centralised applications. Another objective of the system is to solve the current problem, which is to construct a Time Series Engine (TSE). It can be used to support billions of calculations or transactions in a single second, i.e. Transactions per second (TPS). TAN provides a state-of-the-art platform to organise the valuable data of the world through an online platform. Furthermore, the system will consist of seamless flow of information, while relating everyone in a natural as well as unrestrained way.

C2C Crypto Exchange — Its benefit on Society

Decentralised crypto exchanges or simply C2C crypto exchanges are in their infancy but are on the path of tremendous development. Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) is a popular way of file sharing where each peer can work as a server for other peers who also have equal privileges. In the context of trading, the C2C mechanism works on the basis of purchasing and selling assets to each other directly rather than using a third-party service. Apart from the crypto exchange that is a popular transaction mechanism, there are other services which are using this method. Some of the most prominent ones include corporate bonds, penny stocks, and foreign exchange. The benefits of using the C2C system are and discussed as follows:

Scalability Factor

One of the prominent benefits of C2C services is scalability between the participating parties as they are both interested in going through with the transaction. Furthermore, the services can attract an increasing number of audiences depending upon the demands of the exchanges. Through TAN, the users can improve the crypto exchange procedure where the application will be responsible for handling billions of calculations in an efficient manner.

Privacy in C2C Exchanges

Another good benefit of using C2C service is the extensive amount of privacy that goes with it because no third participant will be involved when two parties are involved in trading activities (without taking their consent). The privacy can be assured in TAN because of its additional feature of chatting and calling, where the participants will be able to build their relationships.

Fairness in C2C services

Orders are developed and transferred directly between the interested participants without being interrupted by any outside body. Furthermore, it provides an advantageous experience for the participants without the fear of being taken advantage by low-latency trading mechanisms. TAN application provides the opportunities to link people on the basis of tokens, data or knowledge; hence, enhancing the efficiency of the overall framework.

C2C is an Easy-to-Use Service

The technological innovations being conducted in the present era provides the users with the ease of conducting their day-to-day operations. C2C is among those services, which can be used for everyday purpose where each individual can search for tokens and identify a seller in order to go through the purchase and ensure clean interaction. TAN also provides the users with ease in using the services for performing their exchanges in cryptocurrency, especially through their application.

Benefits of Integrating C2C Exchange with Chat and Messaging

The purpose of the C2C exchange mechanism is that people will be able to conduct individual cryptocurrency exchange without any trouble. Furthermore, due to the messaging feature, an individual collaboration between the engaging parties will be more feasible; thereby, facilitating the individuals to perform their operations. C2C networking is a distributed concept where the workload is divided between equally privileged peers, which forms network nodes. The decentralised chain enables the user to send a message to another user and form a connection. The service also provides the feature of data security between the participants, which means that the conversation between the participants will be secured from external interruptions.

TAN application also provides the feature of chatting and messaging when conducting currency exchange between interested pairs. The application has all the characteristics that are held by the messenger application. These include ease of use, cost efficiency, and secured, encrypted, and a private interaction experience. The application also provides the feature of voice as well as video messages between the interested peers. Furthermore, it also offers video and voice calling options. These options would allow the partners, involved in exchange activities to collaborate in a well-timed manner. The application, built for billions of internet users also consists of group messaging, however, they cannot engage in cryptocurrency aside from one-to-one basis.

In the messenger section of the application, each individual can also use the converter for exchanging cryptocurrency during their interaction. This feature helps the individuals in avoiding the hassle of running different application for different purposes, which can unarguably affect the battery of the phones as well as the internet data charges. The messaging application can also provide opportunities for advertisers who can use its services to enhance their business without getting involved in the personal conversation between C2C parties. The application also adds a social media flare to their services, which not only benefits the company in sharing their experience but it also provides a sense of security to the individuals to conduct business activities.

Conclusively, TAN architecture is a versatile concept, which widely supports internet finance, verifiable computing, trusted computing, as well as social networking interaction. It permits the ease and convenience in order to connect with people on the basis of tokens, agreement, and data. As discussed earlier, TAN architecture provides a platform, which can organise valuable data for the users around the world through online internet activity. With the addition of messaging and calling features, C2C exchange experience becomes surreal as the participants can interact with one another, improve their relations, and even interact with new participants to improve their overall revenue.



TA Network
Token Alliance Blog

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