Commons Upgrade Dashboard, Education Initiatives and Forums on 🔥

Dr Suga
Token Engineering Commons
7 min readSep 20, 2021

TEC Latest News: August 27 — September 20

Image credit: Kris

Momentum is mounting toward the Commons upgrade! The Commons Configuration Dashboard is well underway, as are a variety of educational course offerings this fall. We’ve also got an upcoming round of Gitcoin grants to recommend and a number of proposals that need your vote along with a few other surprises. Let’s get to it!

🤖 Commons Upgrade Dashboard

🔥 Forums on Fire

🧞 Gitcoin Grants

📓 So Many Education Initiatives

🏘️ Communitas Working Group

⭐ A Steward Is Born

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🤖 Commons Upgrade Dashboard

Work on the Commons Upgrade Dashboard continues. This dashboard will allow the community to determine the parameters for the Commons upgrade, firstly through the submission of your own parameters and secondly through your vote on the final parameter set! Want to help? Check out a demo of the dashboard here, then play around with it yourself by tweaking the various parameters. Please help us make the dashboard better by offering feedback with a message in the Params Discord channel. The params dashboard itself is a learning tool and we will soon host params parties to explore in-depth how the Augmented Bonding Curve and Conviction Voting modules work.

🔥 Forums on Fire

Image credit: Griff

There is a lot of action on the forum right now! You’ll find explainers about each individual parameter for the Commons upgrade, discussions raised in advice process and some proposals that are working their way toward a vote.

Proposals go through advice process, and each has a different timeline before hitting the vote. The first proposal went through the Snapshot vote at the beginning of September (2nd–6th), and we are happy to announce the vote was successful, and the proposal passed! Check out the details below.

Remember: your vote counts, and we need the input of the community to support these decisions together!

  1. 75% Governance giveback — This is a vote to return up to 75% of the deleted governance for compensated contributors. The technical solution will also afford the TEC a way to mint tokens that can be used exclusively for governance without an associated monetary value. A vote will take place Sept 24–27 on Snapshot, which will then be ratified as part of the Commons Upgrade vote.
  2. Reward system moving forward — Our reward system is the heart of community recognition. We have learned so much from the tools we have used so far and are using those lessons to make key improvements to how the TEC rewards those making meaningful contributions to the TEC and token engineering at large.
  3. One time change of TECH addresses — A community signaling passed on Snapshot on Sept 6th, and this vote will now go to the HatchDAO for a final vote this week.
  4. Should we do the initial buy into the bonding curve? This call for ideation asks whether we should and how we could use an initial pool of TEC tokens that could be acquired by the DAO at initialization.
  5. Earn interest on wxDai with Hatch funds — One of the ideas taking shape following the above 👆 call.

🧞 Gitcoin Grants

Image credit: Kris

There are only a few days left of Gitcoin grants Round 11! Gitcoin grants offer a radical way for web3 projects in public goods to raise funds multi-fold by using a quadratic funding model. There are so many great projects to support, and while we could recommend more than a few dozen, here are just a handful of suggestions. The GGR11 ends on September 23rd, so don’t delay.

  1. Token Engineering Commons — Fund the resource pool to advance token engineering!
  2. Token Engineering Academy — Education in defi and the much-needed work of training token engineers.
  3. Conviction Voting — cadCAD Model Improvements — Want to see better governance mechanisms?
  4. Hitchhiker’s Guide to Token Engineering — Support the living textbook on the end-to-end design of token ecosystems.
  5. Commons Stack — Panvala League — Funding this grant with $PAN gets significant extra matching from Panvala and is shared with the Trusted Seed’s favorite 15 projects.
  6. Commons Simulator — Support continuing work on the CS Commons Simulator.
  7. cadCAD — Support education and a key tool in crypto-economic design.
  8. Bloom Network — Panvala League — Give to a network of projects focused on regenerative design & culture.
  9. Crypto Commons Gathering — Support the commons movement, connecting academics with builders and strengthening ties between crypto and commons scholarship and practice.
  10. Bloom Network — Panvala League — Give to a network of projects focused on regenerative design & culture.
  11. Impact Pirates — Give to an open-source ecosystem co-creation game that connects coastal eco-villages to oceanic regenerative stations.
  12. — Panvala League — Make it easier for charities around the world to raise money and donate to fuel this P2P giving platform.
  13. Commons Stack: Iteration 0 — Support the infrastructure and contributors of our ecosystem partner Commons Stack.
  14. Learn more about Gitcoin and how its use of quadratic funding to match funding for sustaining web3 projects in public goods is a win-win for all!

📓 So Many Educational initiatives

Image credit: Chuy

The second Graviton training is about to start! With a focus on non-violent communication and understanding conflict and developing techniques to manage it, the purpose of the Graviton training is to promote trust in the shared values and boundaries of the TEC. It’s not too late to register! Participants attend 10 sessions over two months to develop skills for preventing and managing conflict in DAO’s. Collect 6 or more POAP’s, and you become a Graviton: an easy access point for the community to reach out for support to manage conflict. The course runs from September 21 — November 23 and meets every Tuesday at 8pm CET / 2pm EST on the TEC Discord server.

TE Labs Steward Ygg has kicked off the Fall Semester. There are two primary initiatives — the Proposal Inverter and Rewards Research — and two special topics that will appeal to many reading this proposal! The special topics are Market Models and Networks and NFT Economics.

The TE Academy and TEC Labs WG are collaborating on research in solutions for crypto governance particularly as concerns the rewards systems. A significant topic is how to develop token rewards in relation to both governance power and financial compensation. Check out the TEC Labs and the TE Academy and also revisit the proposal for the Rewards System that will be the subject of the research.

Our friends at the TE Academy are collaborating with Boson Protocol on the topic of Engineering dCommerce. Those interested may register here. Here is a short description:

“Today, eCommerce happens within closed, monopolized digital platforms. What could those platforms look like if they were founded on permissionless, decentralized protocols? Boson Protocol is calling this radical, new proposition dCommerce, and we believe its challenges and opportunities are on the leading edge of our Token Engineering field.

Building the #dCommerce ecosystem requires more than great minds. It calls for applied knowledge, multidisciplinary collaboration, and a community of builders and researchers from #eCommerce to #Web3 coming together to develop such complex yet robust crypto-economic systems.” (source)

🏘️ Communitas Working Group

We are excited to announce the creation of a new working group to aid in both orientation for new members and community building: presenting the Communitas Working Group!

Communitas (n., Latin) — commonly referring either to an unstructured community in which people are equal, or to the very spirit of community.

Communitas refers to an unstructured state in which all members of a community are equal, allowing them to share a common experience, usually through a rite of passage. — wiki definition

The intention of this Working Group is to nurture, grow and guide the TEC community. The points of focus are new member orientation, current member community building, and organizational design: namely, guiding folks into the TEC and helping folks navigate the TEC from the inside. This Working Group will coordinate with other projects including TE Scouts and the TEC Lounge. Your Communitas steward is Suga with a full team of support from folks including Anna-Marie, Eduardo, Nic, Manu and Vyvy-vi! Please join us on Discord on Tuesdays at 2PM CET. Orientation itself is held on Wednesdays at 6PM CET and the TEC Lounge onFriday at 5PM CET, both in the TEC Community Hall on Discord.

⭐ A Steward Is Born

Image credit: Suga

The TEC is delighted to announce Mitch’s acceptance of the nomination of Steward. Mitch has been active in the TEC since February and tirelessly participates across the spectrum including tech devs and the cultural build, comms and the dashboards, onboarding and community engagement. Please join us in welcoming Mitch into his new role as Steward! You can find him @divine_comedian on Discord, the TEC forum, Telegram and Twitter.

Until next time: Test the Commons upgrade dashboard, join in the education initiatives, check out the Communitas WG, read up on the proposals on the forum and vote! Keep dishing the Praise, and find us on Discord! The TEC calendar gives all times and channels.


This article was written by Suga with Gitcoin grant support from Jess and review and editing by Tamara.



Dr Suga
Token Engineering Commons

Writer and professor; PhD, Theory and Criticism; PhD, Comparative Literature (English, French, German)