Params Voting & Final Hatch Demo

Dr Suga
Token Engineering Commons
5 min readMay 11, 2021

Latest News & Praise Leader Board: April 24 — May 8

Token Engineering Commons (TEC)

Greetings, TEC community!

The clock is ticking, and we are getting closer not only to the Hatch but even more immediately: to deciding our Hatch configuration parameters! You submitted, voted and finalized the MVV last month. This week you’re voting in the Hatch config params primaries!

At the TEC the decisions are yours.

We are the first DAO to give its community the means to design and establish the parameters of its economy. We are choosing our Hatch config params this week, and you are both designer and voter. Roll up your sleeves, join the party and build this DAO with us. 🎉

Over the weekend, Michael Zargham and Trent McConaghy joined a params party to share their thoughts on the Hatch, the params, second order effects, Praise and other topics that came up.

Some insights that surfaced included noting how we’re not just proposing parameters for the Hatch config; we’re proposing a strategy for the DAO. Zargham made the analogy that the Hatch config params was a “constitution framing process.” It lays the essential groundwork for future collective decisions to be made in the TEC community. They agreed the TEC is in a privileged position to explore these policies, as its model fundamentally incorporates the voices of the community in important decisions.

Second order effects of the Hatch config params was a hot topic, which Griff described as “a web of parameters where affecting one causes vibrations through all the others”. When playing around with the params, you will recognize how the param variables react upon each other differently with each iteration, as “the configuration space has a lot of interdependence,” Zargham added. What this shows, Trent noted, is how “it is an evolutionary and dynamical system with emergent properties.” The endless outcomes are exciting and can shape this economy in divergent ways. Watch the video for more on their insights.

Read on for news on config params proposals, info on how to partake in the vote, the latest Hatch demo and the Impact Hour leaderboard.

🗳 ️Voting on the Params 🗳️

“I pity the fool who doesn’t vote.” — Mr. T

The time has come! If you haven’t already, head to Tokenlog, and vote!

Key vote dates:

Primary vote of Hatch config params: May 11 to May 13.

Run-off vote of top-voted params: May 18 to June 1.

We use quadratic voting, so that you can allocate your votes by degree and not just direction. In other words, instead of voting directly or linearly for one proposal, you can vote for how strongly you feel about multiple proposals. To do that, you apply more or fewer votes to a particular proposal by “paying” proportionally for those votes from your voting budget, which is based on your CSTK score and Impact Hours.

The above video explains how to submit and vote, and you can read our latest post, where you’ll also get info on upcoming debates and voting parties! ⚔️

Commons Swarm Weekly Update

The Commons Swarm is the heart of the technical build and a joint effort between 1Hive and Commons Stack to innovate how DAOs organize and raise funds. As Griff, Chuy, Sem, Fabi and Luke Duncan discuss in this informative AMA, the Commons Swarm is specifically focused on making solutions for small organizations that want to create value for society at large.

Commons Swarm is currently busy on the final countdown to the TEC Hatch. Every week Chuy publishes a Commons Swarm update, and this week includes the latest Hatch Demo!

Commons Swarm Hatch Demo

The functionality of the Hatch has now been tested from start to finish in the new demo with a focus on Ragequit, confirming folks are able to exit and convert their Hatch tokens back to xDAI. So what happens next? After the final params are voted on and set, there’ll be one last Hatch demo to test with those final params. Then we Hatch! 🐣

🙌 Impact Hour Leaderboard 🙌

The Praise is in! 🍭

Through Telegram and Discord, TEC community members dish Praise to each other to recognize efforts made. For that participation, TEC contributors are then acknowledged via a praise bot developed by the Commons Stack. That Praise is quantified as Impact Hours, which will later be converted into TECH tokens during the Hatch.

The exact value of Impact Hours will be based on the parameters chosen by the community and how much is collected in the Hatch. The expectation is that each hour will be worth somewhere between $10-$200. Congratulations on the hard work everyone, and thank you for your contributions to the Token Engineering Commons! 💗

Here is the full list of Impact Hours awarded for work from April 24 - May 8:

IH Period

Every contribution counts, and the Token Engineering Commons is incredibly grateful for its 375+ active contributors that have earned Praise so far. 🙏 Below is a partial list of total Impact Hours to date. The full list and the math behind its calculation can be found in this spreadsheet.

IH Total

🌱 Join the Community 🌱

We warmly welcome you to join and share:

🤗 New to TEC? We have an AMA dedicated to answering community questions each Wed. at 11 am EDT (DST) / 4 pm CET on our general voice channel on Discord — add it to your calendar.

🖇 ️An overview of links to TEC channels and resources.

☎ Say hi on our weekly community calls at 2 pm EDT (DST) / 7 pm CET on our general voice channel on Discord — add it to your calendar.

👋 Pop by our Discord or Telegram channels, introduce yourself and share what you are working on.

💸 Submit a proposal for funding for your TE project.

📑 Read more about our working groups and join one.

📣 Follow us on Twitter & Medium to stay up to date on the upcoming Hatch.

Token Engineering Commons members are also eligible to receive CSTK tokens from the Commons Stack for their Praise. To receive the tokens, members must apply to join the Trusted Seed. For any questions, reach out to @Liviade @GriffGreen @JessicaZartler on our Discord or Telegram.

This article was written by Suga with edits by Tamara and Craig.



Dr Suga
Token Engineering Commons

Writer and professor; PhD, Theory and Criticism; PhD, Comparative Literature (English, French, German)