Moving toward the Commons Upgrade

Dr Suga
Token Engineering Commons
5 min readSep 1, 2021

TEC Latest News: August 13 — August 26

With the successful Hatch bringing in almost TWICE the min goal at 1,571,223.57 wxDAI, the TEC is on its way to the Commons upgrade and funding token engineering projects in research, education and outreach. We have a full plate this September post-Hatch working towards the Commons upgrade including developing its dashboard, voting on proposals and promoting course offerings from the Token Engineering Academy and the Gravity and Labs Working Groups. Read on for more!

  • 🐣 We’ve Hatched. What’s Next?
  • 🤖 Commons Upgrade Dashboard
  • 🙌 Advice Process: Four Proposals on the Table
  • 🕊 Upcoming Graviton Training
  • 🎒 Token Engineering Academy: Governauts Roundtable
  • 🔬 TEC Labs Fall Semester

🐣 We’ve Hatched. What’s Next?

Image credit: Nuggan

Now that we’ve hatched, it’s time to move on to the Commons upgrade! In order to do that, Params is working on the Commons upgrade dashboard to get it ready for you, the community, to experiment on and to submit your set of parameters for the upgrade, which will then be voted on — just as was the case with the Hatch! Once the parameters are chosen, they will determine the bonding curve. The last step will be to vote on sending the funds from the Hatch to the Commons, at which point the Hatch tokens will be burned and replaced by TEC tokens, and the TEC Commons comes to life! Get all the details here including:

  • background on the HatchDAO design
  • HatchDAO parameters that affect the Commons Upgrade
  • designing the Commons Upgrade using collaborative economics
  • initializing the TEC Commons

Meanwhile, if you did contribute to the Hatch, be sure to claim your POAP here and your exclusive Hatch t-shirt from the TEC Swag shop! Hatchers were airdropped one SWAGTEC to cover the cost of the t-shirt and shipping. 🎁

🤖 Commons Upgrade Dashboard

The Commons Upgrade Dashboard is in development, and we need your help! First, check out a demo here, then give it a go yourself and try out the parameters. We want you to help make the dashboard better by telling us what you think and that goes for proofing the text as well. If you find anything worth commenting on (don’t worry about bugs!), drop a message in the Params Discord channel with your feedback. Your eagle eye will help us get ready to upgrade to the Commons!

🙌 Advice Process: Four Proposals on the Table

Image credit: Kris

As we approach the Commons upgrade, we have several proposals to consider and vote on, and we need your input and participation! Listed below, each proposal has been posted in the forum. We will use Snapshot to vote, which will happen as soon as this week for the first proposal, so don’t delay!

All the proposals are currently going through advice process, and each has a different timeline before hitting the vote. For the first proposal, that vote begins Sept 2 and remains open for 4 days. Check out the post itself for more details as well as the other proposals, whose timelines are a bit longer. Remember: your vote counts, and we need the input of the community to support these decisions together!

  1. One time change of TECH addresses
  2. Reward system moving forward
  3. 75% Governance giveback
  4. Should we do the initial buy into the bonding curve?

🕊 Upcoming Graviton Training

The second Graviton training of the Gravity Working Group runs from Sept 21 to Nov 23. Register here! It involves 10 sessions aimed at developing skills to prevent and manage conflict in DAO’s. Collect 6 or more POAP’s, and you become a Graviton — what’s a Graviton? These are folks who serve as easy access points for the community to reach out to for support to manage conflict.

While the Graviton course is being prepared, get an idea of the concept and design by having a look at the First Gravitron Training last year. With a focus on non-violent communication and understanding conflict and developing techniques to manage it, the purpose of the Graviton training is to promote trust in the shared values and boundaries of the TEC. 🕊️

🎒 Token Engineering Academy: Governauts Roundtable

In collaboration with TEC Labs Working Group and several DAO’s and through Gitcoin support, the Token Engineering Academy is developing the Governauts! The Governauts are creating research groups to work on solutions for crypto governance and invite participation from folks in a variety of backgrounds including systems engineering, data science, political science, and more.

A significant topic is how to develop token rewards in relation to both governance power and financial compensation. The Governauts “intend to promote diversity and inclusion as first principles of decentralized organization, while offering pragmatic lessons learned through experience with systems design.” (source)

Please join the Governauts roundtable Friday, Sep 10, 3:00 pm UTC for the lecture and panel discussion “Reward Systems”. ✨

🔬 TEC Labs Fall Semester

This same topic of rewards systems will be explored this semester in the TEC Lab! 🤩 Check out the schedule and revisit the proposal for the Rewards System that will be the subject of the research.


Until next time: Check out the dashboard, join the educational events of the Governauts, Gravity and Labs, keep dishing the Praise, and find us on Discord! The TEC calendar gives all times and channels.


This article was written by Suga.



Dr Suga
Token Engineering Commons

Writer and professor; PhD, Theory and Criticism; PhD, Comparative Literature (English, French, German)