Publishing Token Economy on Github under CC-BY-NC-SA
The book Token Economy grew organically over the scope of 5 years, based on many micro-publications, and builds — among others — on the activities and educational blog posts of BlockchainHub Berlin which, back in 2015, was one of the first websites to explain the impact of blockchain networks and similar distributed ledgers to a general public. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the book, and the broad scope of topic, it would not have been possible to write the book without the input and feedback of many people such as Valentin Kalinov, Peter Kaas, Alfred Taudes, Jakob Hackel, Krzysztof Paruch, Tom Fürstner, Guido Schäfer, Dr. Susanne Guth-Orlowski, Sofie Schock, Alexander Neulinger, Thomas Reutterer, Sigrid Pratsch, sebnem Rusitschka, Robert Krimmer, and last but not least — Michael Zargham.
Within one year — due to the fast paced nature of the subject matter — the book was published with four additional chapters in a second English edition, and will soon also be published in a German edition. The overwhelming feedback and the many inquiries to translate the book into different language have motivated me to publish the book on Github as a Wiki under a non commercial Creative Commons licence (CC-BY-NC-SA), — both the English version and over the next few months also the German version. This way we will be able to scale the efforts of maintaining the contents of the book up to date much better.
CC-BY-NC-SA is a licence that allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must license the modified material under identical terms.
There are various possibilities of forking the text of the book: You could add code contributions to the theoretical examples mentioned in this book, create future iterations with new /modified chapters or translate this book into another language, and distribute it non-commercially (for free). To do this you can fork the wiki and start translating the texts under your own Github account anytime and publish the modified/translated book on Github directly. I can send you the original AI files for creating translated version of the graphics. Please note that with this licence you are not allowed to sell the book or use it for other commercial projects, but I can try and support you get funding with a Gitcoin Grant or any other crowdfunding campaign, so you get money for the work you put in.
Since BlockchainHub has stopped all operations, the commercial rights have been passed on to Token Kitchen, who will continue to publish the current English edition, and the upcoming German edition in as an eBook & print book (paperback & hardcopy) on platforms such as Amazon and other online book stores.
For commercial permissions such as selling your translation or iteration of the book or using the existing material for commercial training purposes contact: