UNICEF Launches Crypto Mining Site

And it’s now saving lives around the world

Token News
Token News
Published in
2 min readSep 25, 2018


UNICEF is the latest brand to get in on cryptocurrencies — but not how you’d think. They recently launched The Hopepage, a website that lets you mine crypto for charity by taking your computer’s spare processing power and using it to mine crypto. All of the proceeds then go straight to UNICEF so they can continue their work.

What we thought was so amazing about this project (apart from its charitable nature, of course) was how seamlessly UNICEF have integrated what is, in reality, incredibly complicated tech. For a charity to create a webpage that rivals many of the industry’s leading blockchain projects is no mean feat. Their website can have you mining on a couple of clicks — and already 22,835 people have taken part.

It works like this.

When you’re on the Hopepage, your web browser uses your computer’s processor to solve cryptocurrency algorithms. You can select how much processor power you want to donate to this task. The longer you stay on the page and the more processor power you donate, the more algorithms get solved, which earns cryptocurrency. Any crypto mined is altomatically donated to UNICEF through smart contracts and turned into real funds that are spent on life-saving supplies like safe water, therapeutic food and vaccines.

Pretty amazing, right?

UNICEF’s work covers aid, education and children’s rights in the developing world.

We’ll have to see how much they raise and if other charities follow suit. After all, even people who are unwilling to part with their cash may yet be willing to ‘donate’ their spare processing power.

You can check out the project here: thehopepage.org

