Token Basket Generator Toolkit

Denver Cutrim
TokenAI Blog
3 min readAug 30, 2018


Crypto token enthusiasts and investors are often unsure about where to invest.

They try to figure out the best tokens to invest in, considering the amount of money they have in hand for crypto investment.

Token selection for investment can be done manually by analyzing market trends for various crypto tokens in the market, but it is cumbersome to come to logical conclusions with limited information that we are able to gather due to our human condition.

New and old traders often find themselves in a flux about choosing from a myriad of token options available in the market.

Even if one knows what tokens to buy, it gets complicated to decide how much of each token to purchase.

To solve this conundrum, Token AI has launched the Token Basket Generator.

Token Basket Generator is Token AI’s flagship toolkit which helps users develop a crypto token basket for investment from scratch.

We are familiar with Mutual Funds, which are baskets of stocks curated by experts with certain parameters in mind.

In a similar manner, Token Basket Generator is powered by Juliet, Token AI’s propriety AI-based program that analyzes historical and current trends and sentiments in the crypto market to recommend a basket of tokens to be purchased.

The Token Basket Generator Toolkit enables users to define their crypto investment preferences. Upon which, Token Basket Generator toolkit suggests customized investment baskets to users.

It empowers investors with useful information to help them derive maximum value from their crypto trades.

1. Token Universe

With so many old and new Crypto tokens in the market, it gets tricky to recognize the ones that are reliable.

Juliet creates a universe of about 500 valuable tokens. The number 500 is fluid and may increase or decrease, depending upon the availability of valuable liquid tokens.

This universe is comprised of tokens that are above a defined minimum threshold. This threshold consists of market capitalization, availability on Bittrex, Poloniex, Cryptopia, and Binance exchanges, and have desired trading volumes at desired prices.

This ensures that Token AI users invest only in liquid and valuable tokens.

2. Basket Define

To make crypto choices easy for traders, Token AI Basket Generator lets a user define what he/she wants in simple terms.

The user can define parameters like the desired number of different tokens in their basket, crypto exchange(s) he/she wants Juliet to perform analysis in, and the desired principal amount to invest in that basket.

The user also selects a trading frequency preference.

After this, the user just has to click on ‘Recommend’ to get AI-based token basket suggestions.

3. Basket Process

After the user has defined investment preferences, Juliet does what it does best — use its AI based algorithms to analyze the Token Universe.

It runs the analysis in user-selected exchange(s), as per the parameters defined by the user, to recognize and suggest the best investment basket.

It does all its analysis in moments, which would probably take months to carry out by an average crypto trader.

4. Basket Recommend

After its AI-based analysis of historical and current trends and sentiments surrounding the tokens that match the basket parameters defined by the user, Juliet recommends a weighted basket of liquid tokens to be purchased.

With its proprietary tools, Token AI Basket Generator simplifies token basket selection for crypto enthusiasts and traders.

For a full video demonstrating the Token Basket Generator click here or head over to to learn more.

