A Technology Breakthrough in the Blockchain: An Innovative Team in Taiwan Building an Easy Access for Businesses to Enter the Crypto World

Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2018

Rumors of cryptocurrency have usually been an act of hype due to the weak circulation of these tokens. To assist business across different industries easily blend in the blockchain, a new innovative team from Taiwan has invented the Bacon chain to resolve the issue, allowing companies to easy-access to the blockchain without high threshold. “TokenBacon is not only built by the concept of the White Paper but the company has actually begun its operation, proving the business model is a success,” stated by TokenBacon Co-Funder, Michael Lai.

Due to Initial Coin Offering (ICO) has almost always been one of a hot topic in 2017, companies have chosen ICO as an option to enter the blockchain by utilizing the standard of ERC20 to create its cryptocurrency. Also due to the nature of blockchain, the high mining fees, lacking scalability, and business applications have made difficult for companies to reach its goals that originally set in the white paper, hence, has always been concluded as an action of scams.

An innovative Taiwanese team, TokenBacon looks to breaks the bad circulation of these high standards set to companies who wish to enter the blockchain by its technology, Bacon chain. Combing its “Public side chain” with its Blockchain cloud, helping companies to easily access to blockchain through an application created by TokenBacon. Bacon Chain looks to interconnect all blockchain with business services, forming a comprehensive ecosystem in near future.

TokenBacon, who is organized by a passionate and motivated young group of 28 years old, seeks to expand its services from Taiwan to Japan, America, and European countries. Just within a few months, the team has contracted over three hundred billion USD including loyalty points, vouchers, gold, land, and artworks of assets globally. Through its blockchain technology, Tokenbacon seeks to mark each valuable assets and to expand its service across different institution around the world by collaborating with various global marketplaces in near future.

Hoping to spread its service across the world, TokenBacon has begun its roadshows in America in April and have been invited to partner with NASDAQ, PWC and other well-known companies for Europe’s largest blockchain conference BLOXPO on May 17th in Stockholm, Sweden. The conference has a high rating of 3.5 out of 5, according to Bitcoin Market Journal. As for the BLOXPO conference, it is joined by politicians, global blockchain experts and business leaders from multiple industries at this year’s venue, Friends Arena in Stockholm. The conference will cover a range of topics, such as how decentralized applications will disrupt our way of business and how the future of money will be put on its edge as cryptocurrencies continue to grow.

Microsoft, IBM, ANZ are the supporter of blockchain development, reported by Coindesk. However “the real challenge occurs at the end of ICO, rather than its beginning” stated by a cryptocurrency company WAX. How to make a cryptocurrency circulate after ICO is a challenge that TokenBacon is born to resolve this issue.

It has been noticed by global Governments and enterprises that blockchain has become important to company development across different industries. TokenBacon has not only support companies to build in the blockchain but also utilizing its public-side chain and cloud applications to build and execute the blockchain technology, creating value and competition around the world for businesses. As stated earlier by TokenBacon Co-Funder, Michael Lai that “it is not only built by the concept of the White Paper but the company has actually begun its operation, proving the business model is a success.”

This article is an English translation from ETtoday news. To see the original article, please link here: https://www.ettoday.net/news/20180511/1167690.htm#ixzz5H8m8AFDd

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