Introducing Tokenblocks — The Fund Management Network

Philip Fortio
Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2019

Today I’m proud to introduce Tokenblocks into the start-up world. As we join the fantastic team at StateZero Labs on their accelerator programme we build the momentum we need to really change the asset management world for the benefit of investors!

What’s the vision?

Ultimately we want to empower people to build their own financially sustainable future.

The UK state pension promises to pay you £8.5k a year after you retire — could you live on this?

You need to invest — it’s as important as life insurance.

The problem is, investing isn’t simple. The number of people involved after you press that buy button is staggering and it’s eating into your future.

After you’ve paid your financial advisor, the fund manager, the platform that holds your investment and all the middle men involved in processing your order you could easily be looking at losing 1.5%+ a year. And it’s not even obvious — some of those costs are embedded in the products you buy. What you think was a bad investment choice was actually just a fund with high internal costs!

Investing is a long term game. The power of compounding means cutting that total fee by a third could increase the income you have at retirement by 25% of the UK state pension.

What’s the fix?

Fundamentally we are building a trusted, distributed network that allows anyone to buy funds directly from a fund manager. This is ultimately a tool for the fund managers themselves.

We want to remove middle men, but we need trust in the network and the provenance of the data, so we use an enterprise friendly blockchain.

We want to automate all the regulatory checks and reporting requirements, so we use smart contracts.

When investor and fund manager incentives align we can build best in class funds and give investors the confidence to make their own investment decisions and build a sustainable future.

Are you ready for long term financial stability?

To dig deeper visit:

StateZero Labs is the world’s first solution-led blockchain lab for startups. Bridging the gap between humanity and tech.

Interested in only blockchain enterprise ideas, they’ve set out to find, fund and further the potential of outstanding founders. To encourage them to attack the world’s most challenging problems and exciting opportunities through advanced technology for practical use cases.

For more information check out their website:



Philip Fortio

Rethinking Investing in the 21st Century | Funds | Blockchain |