Alexander Muradov. Interview with portfolio manager of Tokens Maker (AM) at

Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2020

Once launched a platform for digital asset portfolios in the beggining of July 2020, we gathered interesting personalities around the project, who decided to launch its own variety of strategies, therefore we thought it would be interesting to ask our platform’s traders about future of Bitcoin, their strategy on trading and how to control risks.

Our first interview is with Alexander Muradov, professional trader on the market of digital assets and cryptocurrencies. He created two portfolios on Tokenbox platform and has an interesting point of view on the future of digital new world. Enjoy!

  • Alexander, tell us more about the contents of your portfolio: how do you build it, and which strategy do you stick to when trading digital assets?

The strategy is quite simple. Tokens Maker portfolio is based on drawdowns in pre-chosen altcoins, and bitcoin. I buy when everyone’s scared, I sell once I reach my goals when the market goes up. However I do not spend all of my funds, but just a half. The other half I keep in USDT, should I need it in case of emergency, or there is a better offer on the market. Throughout July the market haven’t shown any good offer for any of the tokens. Currently, my portfolio is mostly in TEZOS bought when its price was lower, and by the way it hasn’t gone up ever since, also LINK, BTC, and QUANTUM. The portfolio is being constantly rebalanced once the goals are reached, or the trend changes.

  • What a rookie should do in order to save funds?

For those who are new to trading digital assets I recommend trading from a demo account to develop a strategy first. Only then one should start trading with a small deposit. But sometimes trading becomes so emotional one can’t handle it — I would in this case advise to trust funds to professional traders. platform enjoys a great number of portfolios which can be evaluated not only from a profit point of view, but also for their drawdowns and growth. One can easily choose a strategy they can relate to and evade responsibilities for trading decisions.

  • What future lies ahead of cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin in particular?

I see a very bright future for cryptocurrencies, but with a pinch of salt and definitely not for all. It’s a new type of assets, like stocks, but without middlemen like brokers or banks. I don’t see Bitcoin, or altcoins, as a mean of payment, so far. Huge volatility, small liquidity, especially compared to the stock market, scammers, fraudsters, lack of regulatory framework in Russia — these are serious downsides. Bitcoin will remain nothing more than a digital gold. It’s highly unlikely it’ll be used as a payment tool. A faster, more tech-savvy cryptocurrency is needed, with extra options like smart contracts or anonymity, which someday will overrun Bitcoin in market cap. So far the whole market looks up at Bitcoin, and moves along with it.

Quick overview of how portfolio management works at
  • Why is your portfolio worth buying?

My portfolio Tokens Maker is worth buying for a bunch of reasons. I trade crypto successfully and continuously since the beginning of 2017, even in the bear market. I’m experienced enough not to buy impulsively on the highs and not to see on the lows, I’m fine with drawdowns that are reasonable for my strategy. I don’t chase maximum profit as it goes together with maximum drawdowns, I don’t go all in, I keep some cash in case I need to buy during a plunge or in case of emergency. I used to work in major crypto funds and private wealth management. Before crypto I did forex trading, and still do stock trading.

Alexander’s Portfolio direct link:

Market place of portfolios at Tokenbox:

Tokenbox main page:

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