HR Season: Inspired by Deloitte report ‘2018 Global Blockchain Survey’

Tatiana Gerasimova
Published in
2 min readSep 13, 2018
‘2018 Global Blockchain Survey’

HR Season is here!

Today our HR expert at Tokenbox Kirill Vladimirov comments on another infographics important for us.

Blockchain continues to grow in popularity as people across multiple industries find new applications for it. Recently, Deloitte released a report entitled, ‘2018 Global Blockchain Survey’. In it, they explore several relevant, blockchain trends that are worth paying attention to in 2018 and onward.

This survey was made among many high executives of these companies in seven different countries and nine economic sectors and its objective was to discover the level of adoption of distributed ledger technology (blockchain) in these companies so far.

Well, what’s in our best interest?

Inspired by the report, we decided to take a closer look in which positions blockchain specialists typically work and created this fascinating infographics.Survey respondents hail from 10 different industries — the majority from financial services, technology/media/telecommunications, and consumer products and manufacturing. The overwhelming majority of survey respondents hold C-level or equivalent positions. Forty-six percent are CIOs/CTOs or CEOs.

“Even such surveys usually collect C-level responses, we can`t ignore the fact that the majority of the personnel from blockchain firms belongs to managerial staff, — comments Kirill Vladimirov. — They are CTOs, CEOs, CIOs, etc. And this survey represents this proportion quite accurately. While the majority of blokchain specialists belongs to IT functional area”.

We share with you the most interesting insights from Tokenbox and look forward to your comments! Please have a look and share your opinion!

