Introducing Tokenbox 1.0 Beta version!

Mark Lee
Published in
3 min readAug 27, 2019

Dear community! We are happy to announce that Tokenbox 1.0 Beta version, the most convenient and up-to-date service for digital asset management, is now available for platform users.

A new trading terminal with more than 30 cryptocurrencies already available, is launched and live, effective as of today.

➡️ Go to Terminal ⬅️

The platform, which is being carefully created by a team of professional developers, is set to deliver safe, solid and easy experience for users. Options already available for registered and verified Tokenbox accounts:

  • ✅ Registration module, with KYC/AML verification procedures.
  • ✅ Secure and handy wallet, easy to deposit in various ways.
  • ✅ User-friendly, nifty frontend gateway, result of tremendous work of Tokenbox developing team.
  • ✅ Trading accounts — one can create several accounts to try different trading strategies.
  • ✅ Interoperability and cross-platform experience — the platform is easy to use both on a desktop computer or a mobile device.
  • ✅ Immaculate infrastructure and servers locations for increased security.

Pavel Salas, CEO of Tokenbox:

“Imagine building a house. Construction process can be challenging, and so is developing such complex yet easy-to-use digital asset management platform. We value our users’ loyalty very much, just as we appreciate that we’ve had enough time to prepare this important release. Thanks for being with us, and thanks for believing in us!”

Vladimir Smerkis, co-founder of Tokenbox:

“A path to success is not always easy and straight, but rather thorny and challenging. I’m proud of the team, proud of those who have written thousands of coding lines, have drawn hundreds of layouts, have created a whole bunch of documents and tech assignments, have cooperated with regulators and partners across the globe. Today we’ve made a big step towards the final release of our service. And the community that we’ve managed to build is our greatest achievement.”

Viktor Shpakovsky, co-founder of Tokenbox:

“What is the main criteria of value for a service? I’ve always perceived it as a desire of founders and employees to use their own service, daily. I can confess that Tokenbox window is constantly up on my desktop.”

Here is what we have on our bucket list:

  • 🚀 Public trading accounts, with a feature to open trading statistic for traders and funds public access.
  • 🚀 Tokenized funds.
  • 🚀 Launch of scaled and targeted marketing campaign, aimed at attracting a big number of new users.

Max Lukutin, CTO of Tokenbox:

“Haste makes waste. This includes development, too. I always tell my team to follow five simple and smart features: convenience, speed, reliability, security, and interoperability. I’m now proud to share the results of our work and get your hands on a new Tokenbox platform. You’ll love it!”

➡️ Sign up now ⬅️

