What do we know about Satoshi Nakamoto’s new book about cryptocurrency?

Alexandra Petrova
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2018

Satoshi Nakamoto, the alleged crypto founding father and Bitcoin inventor is said to write a book. He promised to tell the story behind the most popular cryptocurrency and answer the main questions about it. However, there are no guarantees that the book will be finished (or written) at all. What do we know about the author after all?

The book will be divided in two parts and will contain answers to the most exciting questions about the new financial instrument of the 21st century. According to Nakamoto, society should be aware of the personalities and facts that played a key role in the appearance of Bitcoin.

In support of the seriousness of his intentions, the author published a fragment of his future book. It says that Nakamoto became keen on cryptography at the age of 14, and chose a pseudonym Satoshi as it is the most common name in Japan.

Vladimir Smerkis, Tokenbox co-founder and managing partner, is convinced that the book would be popular in any case. “Since there is still very little confidence that the book is written by a group of people or a person who is directly related to the creation of Bitcoin, it is hard to say will it be successful or not. However, at least it will definitely arouse interest” — said Mr. Smerkis.

“I would be interested to learn from the creators of cryptocurrency about a huge number of untouched coins called Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoins, and whether there are powers behind them”, — adds Vladimir.

Source: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/3676390

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