TokenCard Alpha | How we’re shipping to our Community 📬



Hi Tokenauts 👋

Last week, we announced that we’ve partnered with Contis — the award-winning banking, payments, and processing services provider — to issue TokenCard Visa Debit cards in the UK and EEA (European Economic Area, not Ethereum Enterprise Alliance)!

This is super exciting, and it leaves just one more step on our Soon™️ to-do list: Alpha cards.

Here’s how we’ll be sending out the first 1,000 TokenCard Alpha cards.

Before we get started, it’s worth mentioning that once we’re live on the App Store, anyone can sign-up and register their interest in a card via the app — this isn’t limited to the first 1,000. If you download and register, you’ll have the best chance of getting your hands on TokenCard.

How we’re shipping cards 📬

To manage demand — and to allow a good amount of time for testing — we’ll be sending cards out in small batches, starting with ICO holders before moving to our Community in the UK and EEA on a country-by-country basis. We’re aiming to start this by the end of February/ early March.

Who we’ll send Alpha cards to

ICO holders will be the very first of the 1,000 to receive TokenCards, as a thank you for supporting the TokenCard project from the outset. We’ll be honouring this snapshot (we go into a bit more detail on why in this blog post), and we will be providing UK and EEA ICO holders with an exclusive window to make themselves known to us so that we can send them cards first! We’ll be sharing more details on how our ICO holders can identify themselves in a couple of weeks time.

UK ICO holders will be the first to get cards. We’ll then roll out on a country-by-country basis across the EEA, at each stage making sure that the ICO holders are top of the list in those countries. We’ll be keeping an eye on demand so if there’s a lot of TokenCard followers in a certain country we’ll do our best to get there first.

Once we’ve sent out to our ICO holders, we’ll open up the TokenCard Alpha to the rest of our Community, favouring those who have been actively involved in our TokenWallet Alpha and our official Discord. Again, this will start with our UK Tokenauts, before rolling out to the EEA.

We’ll have a dedicated channel on Discord where we’ll manage communications around sign-up, and we’ll of course keep people updated through the app and on our other channels as well.

Where we’ll send Alpha cards to

The first 1,000 cards will be limited to the UK and EEA. Wondering what exactly the EEA is? Here’s quick reference.

Spot your country here!! ⬆️

We’ll know your location for shipping once you have gone through the card order process and completed KYC (Know Your Customer)!

I’m not one of the above, what do I do? 👋

If you’re based outside the UK and EEA, we’d still love to hear your feedback on the Contract Wallet once the app is live on the App Store. Sign up at to hear first once it’s live!

This is an Alpha, which means… 🔨

Testing, testing, testing. The Alpha is all about getting cards into our amazing Community’s hands and seeing if they can break them (please don’t literally break the cards — they’re plastic).

Tokenauts can expect a few things from us, such as a sneak peek of the card and exclusive access to features not yet available for others. Plus, you’ll be able to spend with real ETH, as we’ll be live on Ethereum mainnet by the time we’re testing!

For the first run of cards, we’ll be issuing Visa Green cards, which won’t be our final design, but will be a great collector’s item for the first 1,000 users.

What we expect from the Tokenaut Community is that you’ll be testing, breaking, and letting us know what you think of the app! This Alpha is an opportunity to really shape the future of TokenCard — both the product and the company, so we’d love to hear your feedback.

What needs to happen before we do any of this 🚀

Before we ship out out the very first cards to our Community, we need a few things to happen:

App Store 🍏

We’ll need to have the app publicly available before anyone can order a TokenCard. The good news is that the app has been approved by Apple, and is pending us flicking the switch! This leads us onto…


Currently, all the tests we’re doing internally have been with Ropsten ETH on Testnet. We will only be releasing cards into the wild once we’ve moved to MainNet (and therefore using real tokens), however, to ensure that we get the most of out of the test period.

Internal testing 🔨

As we’re dealing with money, we want to be as sure as possible that the app and card are hitch-free before we start shipping TokenCards. We’re currently trawling through our list of internal tests at Token HQ — once we’re comfortable with the outcome, we’ll start getting the Community involved!

That’s all for now — keep your eyes peeled this week for our January Product update!

Team Token




Monolith is the world’s first DeFi wallet and accompanying Visa debit card made for spending crypto assets anywhere.