TokenDrop’s Fourth Weekly Wrap Up (8/6/18–8/12/18)

Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2018

Welcome to the Fourth Weekly Wrap Up! We will be covering everything that TokenDrop has done between 8/6/18 and 8/12/18. Enjoy!

August 6th

iTrue (ITU)

  • Description: iTrue is a Blockchain-as-a-Service solution with a built-in authentication system with biometrics as its core microservice, enabling enterprises and developers to build secure, scalable and extensible applications.
  • Airdrop Reward: 400 ITU

KiMex (KMX)

  • Description: KiMex built a platform for the crypto binary option trading Industry as well as a wallet for traders.
  • Airdrop Reward: 50 KMX

Kaya Network [Round 2] (KAYA)

  • Description: Kaya Network is LATTICE80’s vision to build an ecosystem to connect the various stakeholders in Fintech and Blockchain.
  • Airdrop Reward: 11.2 KAYA

August 7th

Hacker Net (HNT)

  • Description: Hacker Net is a network where clients can pay to get their website/system hacked for a bounty and to help troubleshoot their bugs.
  • Airdrop Reward: 400 HNT

Bitfam (BTF)

  • Description: Bifam is a digital blockchain village utilizing the power of the internet and blockchain technology to create a self sustaining community of people with various skills and role in a unique Proof of Work (PoW) system
  • Airdrop Reward: 100 BTF

Medipedia (MEP)

  • Description: Medipedia built an ecosystem for medical tourism industry that connects the patients to healthcare organizations through blockchain technology.
  • Airdrop Reward: 100 MEP

August 8th

  • No airdrops today :(

August 9th

  • No airdrops today either :(

August 10th

Local Token Exchange (LTE)

  • Description: Local Token Exchange is a peer to peer decentralized cryptocurrency exchange that is safe, uncomplicated, comprehensive, and fast.
  • Airdrop Reward 70 LTE

eMusic (EMU)

  • Description: eMusic is a decentralized music distribution and royalty management system to better reward artists and their fans.
  • Airdrop Reward: 30 EMU

Vertex (VTEXP)

  • Description: Vertex is creating the first market of its kind and a unique token that combines trading, venture capital experience, and fair-value based tokenization.
  • Airdrop Reward: 3.7 VTEXP

August 11th

Rateonium (RTC)

  • Description: Rateonium offers the first global, anonymous and interactive rating system with many benefits for users and partner companies.
  • Airdrop Reward: 145 RTC

Social Good (SG)

  • Description: The Social Good Project is a global activity based on the vision of “improving society” that transcends national, racial, religious, and cultural differences.
  • Airdrop Reward: .1 SG

Incodium (INCO)

  • Description: Incodium is an API-based smart contract solution for exchange hacking.
  • Airdrop Reward: 800 INCO

August 12th


  • Description: WOM is a token designed to allow brands and advertisers to make use of peer-to-peer recommendations.
  • Airdrop Reward: 250 WOM

Caspian (CSP)

  • Description: Caspian is a complete asset management solution that covers the full lifecycle of the trade.
  • Airdrop Reward: 460 CSP

InterBlockchain Group Exchange (IBG)

  • Description: InterBlockchain Group Exchange will establish a world-class blockchain asset trading platform that provides a secured, fair and open style of trading platform for all digital technology enthusiasts.
  • Airdrop Reward: 16 IGB


That’s all for this Weekly Wrap Up! I hope you enjoyed it and got to learn about all the interesting stuff TokenDrop is doing.

TokenDrop is here for anyone looking for an easy, high-quality way to access the latest airdrops. Download the TokenDrop app today from the App Store or Google Play and check us out on:
Twitter, Facebook, and Steemit: @tokendrop
Instagram: tokendrop_app
Telegram: TokenDrop Community

Thanks for reading this article, I hope all of you give TokenDrop a try and enjoy your day!

