Token Engineering Fundamentals
TE Academy builds the first comprehensive education & certification program in Token Engineering, free and available online around the globe — register now!
Token Engineering is considered a critical expertise for building thriving Web3.0 ecosystems. From designing a cryptoeconomic system from scratch, to enhancing token utility and growing ecosystem value, to protecting a network against economic attacks and assessing risks, token engineering is a much sought-after expertise in crypto.
However, experts in this domain are scarce. Many projects struggle to find skilled contributors. Additionally, Token engineering is a new field, hence it’s difficult to determine if a job candidate is a good fit.
TE Academy is going to solve this with a new educational program:
Token Engineering Fundamentals (TE Fundamentals), the first education, certification and matchmaking program in this new, crypto-native discipline which we are going to launch with our partners TE Commons, 1kx, Crypto Plaza and ConsenSys.
A comprehensive understanding of the whole process of token system design is critical for the successful creation of a sustainable token economy. With this course, aspiring Token Engineers can embark on a journey from first ideation steps over proper modeling to system deployment, learning all the important nuances of relevant disciplines and methods.
– Kris Paruch, Token Engineer and Cryptoeconomist at Cryptoeconomics Institute, WU Vienna, TE Fundamentals Content Lead
About TE Fundamentals
First, this program will be free for students and accessible online for everyone around the globe.
In parallel to the online course, we’ll offer online study groups, where students can learn together, meet their peers, and prepare for the examination.
UPDATE (15/11/2022):
At the moment, 26 study groups come together once per week to learn — in eight languages and more than ten time zones. Find the group that fits best to you in this overview.
Successful students will receive an NFT-based certificate, the starting point to build up an individual token engineering skill tree — and proof of expertise for any project seeking to hire a token engineer.
Most importantly, there’ll be matchmaking activities and open job & bounty boards with partners in the crypto sector. TE Fundamentals opens career perspectives for graduates and ensures a smooth transition to a full-time role in Web3.0.
BlockScience is hiring and has helped various clients hire token engineering candidates for their ecosystem. Finding qualified candidates is hard; even when qualified candidates are found, there is a long road to round out their skills.
TE Fundamentals will be a great foundation for aspiring token engineers. After getting the fundamentals, Token Engineers can develop their skills in a practical setting, ideally receiving on the job training from more experienced engineers.– Michael Zargham, PhD, Founder of BlockScience, TE Academy Advisor
The Curriculum
TE Fundamentals will cover the following topics:
1) Crypto-economic Systems
- What are cryptoeconomic systems
- Why we decentralize
- Purpose-driven economies
- Cryptoeconomies as complex systems
- Engineering Ethics
2) The Engineering Design Process
- TE Process Overview
- System Requirements and Context
- Metrics
- Agents and their Goals
- Diagramming Languages
- Mathematical Specification and Formal Description
- Mechanisms
- Digital Twin, Python implementation
- Experiments & Simulations
- System Identification
- System Governance
3) Introductions (incl. exercises)
- Economics for Token Engineers
- Mathematics for Token Engineers
- Systems Theory for Token Engineers
- Simulations, Scientific Computing for Token Engineers (Python)
4) Computer-aided, Token-based Governance
- DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)
- Governance Surface
- Algorithms as Policy
- Computer-Aided Governance Process
Token Engineering offers the promise of exciting new ideas to explore. At TE Fundamentals, you’ll find so many different ways to explore them. Working on this course is a joy for me.
– Andrew Penland, PhD, Mathematics Associate Professor at Western Carolina University, TE Fundamentals Content Team
Start as a student
TE Fundamentals will be available in October 2022. We expect a typical student to be ready for examination after around four months of learning.
There are no requirements for previous knowledge, even though students without a degree in engineering, economics, mathematics, or natural science can expect a steep learning curve. But no worries — we’ll offer study groups to learn together and secure progress!
UPDATE (15/11/2022):
TE Fundamentals has been launched at Devcon in October 2022. You can now enroll !
TE Fundamentals will be your best place to start a career in crypto economics. I’m proud to develop this program together with TE Commons and our partners. Our shared vision is a world with safe digital economies that protect and support public goods. Learn with us, meet friends, find allies, and build the economies of the future!
– Angela Kreitenweis, Founder TE Academy/TE Fundamentals
Become a partner
Since July 2020, when TE Academy launched its first course, over 900 participants from 21 time zones have attended our lectures and community-research programs. We attract students with the most relevant backgrounds, like economics, finance, engineering, AI, or data science. Many of them are waiting for an opportunity to skill up and enter a token engineering career.
Would you like to participate in matchmaking activities and access graduates’ job boards?
Let’s start a conversation now.
How much time should I reserve for TE Fundamentals?
TE Fundamentals is equivalent to a typical 100 hours semester course. With investing around 7 hours per week, you can complete the program in about four months. If you can invest full time, you’ll be faster.
Plus, since it’s an online course, you can start the examination whenever you feel ready for it, at any point in time.
What is an NFT-based certification?
As a TE Fundamentals graduate, you’ll receive a certificate. TE Academy will issue this certificate as an NFT to make it verifiable on the blockchain and available as proof of expertise, for example, to projects interested in hiring you. You can earn and collect additional NFT proofs of participation in other TE Academy research initiatives and many crypto hackathons or bounties. It’s a great way to build up your track record in Token Engineering.
Can I earn an academic degree with TE Fundamentals?
No, TE Fundamentals is not an officially accredited program, yet. However, a top-50 world-rank university recently granted first ECTS credits for a TE Academy course, so you might apply for acceptance at your university if you study a related field. Feel free to reach out in case of questions.
Is there anything else I should keep in mind?
We’ve recorded a AMA session with future students and the TE Fundamentals team earlier this year. You might find it informative! Check it out at our YouTube channel.
About TE Academy
Since 2018, the Token Engineering community has gathered researchers and engineers from many disciplines to formulate the token engineering design process, validation methods, and a body of knowledge. With TE Academy, we’ve created the first educational institution in this field, which traditional academia hasn’t even picked up.
Many of our session recordings and learning programs are publicly available on our YouTube Channel.
TE Academy has led various educational initiatives with Balancer, Gitcoin, Ethereum Foundation, Boson Protocol, or Ocean Protocol.
Our proposals have been successful in various DAO votings, like the DAO Rewards Systems Research Initiative with Ocean DAO, Near DAO, and Gnosis DAO.