914% Average Profit! ICORating Explains Why Investors Love Crypto Exchanges.

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3 min readSep 10, 2018

From the beginning of times, pioneers would incur high costs in exchange for lavish profits if successful. The conquerors from thousand years ago faced hostile natural environments and a vision of imminent death, the prize usually being better landed to settle — a long-term benefit for the whole community. Today, no one puts life on the line and the profits are greater and quicker to come. Under one condition — you have to trust the power of cryptocurrencies.

The ICOReport, recently published by an independent agency analysing the ICO market presents conclusions, which are very optimistic for the whole market. All the ICO’s in the first two quarters of 2018 were worth exactly 11 690 981 663 US dollars, meaning that the market grew 10 fold versus the same period of the previous year. The entire ICO market doubled during the year and they are no signs for this trend to reverse.

The vast majority of projects arose from the financial market and they collectively managed to collect most of the funds. More particularly, those investors, who have entrusted their assets in ICO’s in the sector of cryptocurrencies and portfolios gained the most — as much as 914%!

In the opinion of the agency, not only profits but also formal requirements of the projects have stepped up. Decreases in fragmented retail investors trading are being continued, at the cost of the institutional parties. Strengthening of collaboration with investment funds contributes to increasing of project transparency. Experts are pointing out that the success is supported by progressing changes in the market structure. More projects would rather rely on large private investors rather than public offerings. The agency underlines that thanks to the transparency of the projects, the market is also becoming safer.

The report is also referring to project nationality data. It turns out that the most dynamic growth is concentrated in Europe (46%) with Malta as the leader in terms of assets, followed by Gibraltar and Singapore (lagging far behind). The agency has however also looked into the original provenience of the ICO teams and here, the top three changed to South Korea, Portugal and Israel. The king in terms of the number of ICO’s in North America, giving birth to almost 65% of all projects over the last six months. We also read that the hegemony of Ethereum-based tokens is incontestable — 95% of the total. The most popular and at the same time profitable projects were based on a finalized product and ongoing operational business. The most capital was attracted by MVP-stage projects and the least to code-phase ones, but the projects offering only an idea were the most risk-exposed. On average, the best companies gathered 50 m US dollars in 63 days, but three of the projects managed to obtain the capital assumed in their plans in one day only.

The report is giving further excellent news, especially for the ICO’s from the exchange and portfolio markets. Projects gathering funds to launch an exchange or to cover for its liquidity are naturally guaranteed to have an opening. No surprise then that the most profitable ventures found their place amidst these projects. It is worth noticing that even though such projects have generated astronomic profits, outclassing all the competitors, they are a minority among all the ICO’s (7% of all 827 projects initiated in Q2). Investors interested in high profits should pay particular attention to this sector, as it is facing the lowest risk.

The general conclusion of the report is that the traditional market is vitally interested in the ICO projects and is beginning to willingly invest capital there. This, in turn, forces a whole range of regulations and a simultaneous increase in credibility. By matching the growth curves to the trustworthiness of the ICO offers, we may conclude that now it is the best possible moment to invest.

Source: https://icorating.com/report/ico-market-research-q2-2018/

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