The Highlights of Tokeneo’s Passive Income

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4 min readSep 1, 2018
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As you probably already know Tokeneo’s aim is to create first of its kind cryptocurrency exchange system in which investors also can take part in platform’s financial success. An obvious question we usually face is what sets us apart from dozens of other exchanges or why should we care? The question is far too complex for a single article. In upcoming weeks we’ll answer it in a series of posts describing key features of our platform. Today we want to start with Tokeneo’s one of a kind dividend system. from the beginning, our system was designed to accommodate the need for true passive income in cryptocurrency markets and to secure steady and regular payouts for our investors. in the following article, we will go through all of the benefits of our system. Buckle up!

Now You Can Earn Many Tokens at Once

Usually, passive income schemes we see applied in cryptocurrency systems are limited by design in many ways. They usually work in a form of closed system with native token used as a means of reward. to participate with payouts the user has to comply with the platform’s specific requirements. In Tokeneo we’ve spent a lot of time trying to overcome these artificial limitations and transcend the barriers. What’s unique about our TEO token is that it enables users to earn rewards in many tokens at once. Every time a trade happens Tokeneo collects fees in a form of specific tokens ie. BTC and ETH on a corresponding ETH/BTC market. After the trading days ends those fees are distributed to TEO holders proportionally to their stake. Exactly the same happens in each Tokeneo market with volume. In effect, users can collect their dividends in a form of every token listed on Tokeneo exchange (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Monero, Waves etc). Users once forced to handpick tokens to mine or stake can now benefit from many separate chains at once just by holding TEO. Don’t restrict yourself — mine it all with Tokeneo.

Self Balancing Profits and Lower Risk

The conditions on the markets are ever changing. Nobody knows which token will be hot next month let alone next year. Rapidly evolving cryptocurrency markets can generate a lot of confusion for the investors and keep up with the trends is a full-time job. Thanks to Tokeneo reward system you can finally sit back, enjoy steady profits and watch your portfolio balance on its own. How is that possible? The amount of fees that can be collected on each market is determined by volume. Established markets such as Bitcoin or Ethereum on average tend to offer greater volumes and liquidity which translate to lower investment risks. Fees collected in a form of all tokens listed on Tokeneo exchange will automatically adjust to the current market situation. Simply put TEO holders will be earning more in a form of trending coins with higher potential for the return. Tokeneo system was designed to help users to better position themselves on the market. By holding TEO, users will be able to better manage the risk.

Regular Distribution Directly to Clients Wallets

The concept of dividend and passive income isn’t new. Applications known from stock markets are available to investors worldwide. Our team decided to apply our own vision of dividend in Tokeneo exchange and Taylor it for cryptocurrency markets reality. To enable investors to better monitor our progress Tokeneo will pay out dividends regularly. Amount of rewards to be paid will be determined only by the number of collected fees and won’t be ever tampered with. The payouts will be non-optional in regard that users will always get their share everytime the payout cycle ends. To fully take part in Tokeneo reward system user has to register on our exchange and deposit some TEO to the corresponding wallet. We want the process to be as inclusive as possible so there won’t be any additional requirements to meet in order to participate. Dividends will be distributed regularly, proportionally and directly to users wallets in a form of tokens that produced any volume within our markets. it’s that simple!

High Frequency of Payouts Means Less Speculation

What can be observed in markets of assets that pay out dividends is a periodical increase of price moves. It can be seen very clearly in the markets where dividends are paid regularly and the payout cycle is long enough to make the speculative efforts profitable. Typically the volatility increases right before the payout and decreases soon after its done. To mitigate this Tokeneo will be distributing the rewards as frequently as possible with a goal of paying out on a daily basis right after trading day ends. We believe our solution will to some extent hinder artificial price moves known from stock markets and make it more difficult to tamper with TEO token valuation.

We want TEO token to be priced on merit and backed by real value not to create another sandbox for speculators. That’s how we’ve envisioned it and that’s what we’ll deliver.

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Tokeneo aims at being the very first exchange which you can really own.