Speaker Events | Student Thesis

Token Factory
Token Factory®
Published in
5 min readOct 9, 2019

Overview of where we presented TokenFactory, blockimmo / STX.SWISS and a list of students with their respective thesis we have supported.
Last update: Februar 2021.


Upcoming Events / Speaker

  • 12.4.2021 | Online, Switzerland | FachHochschule Graubünden
    Digital Business Management | Technische Aspekte der Blockchain
  • 14.4.2021 | Online, Switzerland | Lucerne University (HSLU)
    The Master of Science in Real Estate (MScRE) students with Prof. Dr. Michael Trübestein

Speaker enquiries are welcome: go@tokenfactory.global

Past Events / Speaker

Speaker: Bastiaan Don, Founder / MD of Token Factory

  • 12.02.2021 | Webinar | UC San Diego — Data Science Driven Value Supply Chain Symposium
    UC San Diego presents Data Science Driven Value Supply Chain: “When the value supply chain and data science meet” | Panel / Speaker
  • 28.01.2021 | Webinar | Swiss Alternative Investments Forum 2021
    Securitisation vs. Tokenisation — Capital Raising Solutions of the Future? Swiss Capitalmarketforum | Panel / Speaker
  • 20.10.2020 | Zürich, Switzerland | HWZ CAS Digital Real Estate
    Master students / HWZ Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich
  • 21.10.2020 | Online, Switzerland | Crypto Valley Festival 2020
    Real Estate Tokenization / Update, Challenges, Outlook
  • 22.10.2020 | Zürich, Switzerland | Finanz & Wirtschaft Forum
  • 3.6.2020 | Online, Switzerland | FachHochschule Graubünden
    Digital Business Management | Technische Aspekte der Blockchain
  • 20.11.2019 | Zürich, Switzerland | Fachforum Digitalisierung
    Wie verändert Digitalisierung die Immobilen-Wertschöpfungskette?
  • 20.11.2019 | Zürich, Switzerland | Hypoforum 2019
    100–120 executives from the mortgage and finance industry
  • 22.10.2019 | Zürich, Switzerland | Krypto-Lunch
    Organized by 10x10 for Blockchain enthusiast
  • 29.10.2019 | Zürich, Switzerland | HWZ CAS Digital Real Estate
    Master students / HWZ Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich
  • 16.8.2018 | Zug, Switzerland | Crypto Valley Association (CVA)
    The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea, KOTRA and the honorable Ambassador of Korea (Mr. Haeryong Kwon).
  • 3.10.2018 | Zug, Switzerland | Crypto Valley Association (CVA)
    The Mayor of Seoul (Mr. Park Won-soon) with a delegation of 30 people.
  • 19.10.2018 | Zug, Switzerland | HWZ CAS Digital Finance
    27 academics from HWZ Digital Finance
  • 26.10.2018 | Zug, Switzerland | Crypto Valley Association (CVA)
    The First Secretary of Japanese Embassy (Ms. Fumiko NOHARA) and further delegation members.
  • 8.11.2018 | Zug, Switzerland | Crypto Valley Association (CVA)
    The Indonesian ambassador (Prof. Muliaman Hadad) with his delegation and the Indonesian central bank officials.
  • 5.12.2018 | Zürich, Switzerland | FIBREE Switzerland
    Monthly meetup with members and other interested people.
  • 9.1.2019 | Zug, Switzerland | Crypto Valley Association (CVA)
    The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) delegation.
  • 23.1.2019 | Copenhagen, Denmark | Accelerace
    Part of the best nordic accelerator program.
  • 20.2.2019 | Zug, Switzerland | Lucerne University (HSLU)
    The Master of Science in Real Estate (MScRE) students with Prof. Dr. Michael Trübestein.
  • 26.2.2019 | Lucerne, Switzerland | University of Lucerne (UniLu)
    Die Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Luzern, Master Students with Prof. Dr. Andreas Furrer.
  • 5.3.2019 | Zürich, Switzerland | Digital Real Estate Summit (DRES)
    Visitors of the Digital Real Estate Summit 2019 by POM+ Consulting.
  • 6.3.2019 | Zürich, Switzerland | LAB100 (info)
    Members of FIBREE and others interested in first tokenized property.
  • 14.3.2019 | London, United Kingdom | Imperial College London
    Ethereum London official meetup available online here.
  • 17.4.2019 | Zug, Switzerland (Online) | Enterprise Ethereum Alliance
    EEA Real Estate Special Interest Group. Available for members.
  • 24.4.2019 | Geneva, Switzerland | Swiss Funds & Asset Management
    Asset Management Greenhouse Event (link).
  • 14.5.2019 | Zug, Switzerland | Real Estate Asset Management
    Conference for pension funds (in cooperation with the ASIP Pension Funds Association, approx. 130 participants).
  • 15.6.2019 | Vaduz, Liechtenstein | University of Liechtenstein
    Master students / executives / Fintech (Executive Program Blockchain)

For more impressions visit: https://www.instagram.com/block.immo/.


We have supported numerous students (bachelor / master) with their respective thesis and will continue to do so in the future.

Student: Ali Bayrak
- Thesis: Security Token Offerings (STOs): a new financing form
- Universität Liechtenstein
- Master of Science (MSc) in Finance

Student: Eros D’Abruzzo
- Thesis: Empathie als Startup Erfolg
- ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
- Bachelor Betriebsökonomie / Banking & Finance

Student: Florian Dévaud
- Thesis: Impact of Real Estate digitalization on asset management
- Hochschule Luzern (HSLU)
- Master of Arts — Master in Real Estate

Student: Artem Tyemnikov
- Thesis: Tokenisierung Entwicklung eines neuen Geschäftsmodells für das Immobilienwesen
- Universität St. Gallen
- Master of Arts — Master in Unternehmensführung

Student: Yve Baschnagel
- Thesis: Tokenisierung von Immobilienwerte
- Hochschule Luzern
- Bachelor Science & Business Administration, Immobilien

Student: Max Zheng
- Thesis: Real Estate Tokenization in Europe
- Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
- Bachelor Business Administration

Student: Simon Sive
- Thesis: Blockchain and Real Estate Tokenization
- University College London (UCL)
- MSc Computational Finance

Student: Christoph Marquart
- Thesis: Blockchain-basierte Bildungszertifikate
- Fachhochschule Graubünden (Chur)
- Digital Business Management

Student: Matthias Reichl
- Thesis: Influence of Tokenization on Business Models in the Era of DLT
- New Design University St. Pölten (AT)
- Management by Design

Student: Dejan Cojic
- Thesis: Security Token Offering und andere Finanzierungsformen
- Hochschule Luzern
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Finance & Banking)

Student: Raphael Schultheiss
- Thesis: Token als Finanzierungsinstrument in der Immobilienprojektentwicklung
- Hochschule Konstanz — Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung (HTWG Konstanz)
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration

Student: Zafercan Cakir
- Thesis: Die Rolle der Tokenisierung im Immobiliensektor
- Hochschule Konstanz — Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung (HTWG Konstanz)
- Bachelor im Fachbereich Betriebswirtschaftslehre

Student: Marcel Kaufmann
- Thesis: Crypto-Finance — Wertstabile Crypto-Assets und die Geldpolitik in der Schweiz
- HWZ Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich
- Bachelor of Science ZFH in Betriebsökonomie mit Vertiefung in Banking & Finance

Student: Florian Räuber
- Thesis: The benefits for blockchain startups of working with venture capital firms and accelerators
- Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Frankfurt, Germany
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with focus on International Management

Student: Josef Hinterhölzl
- Thesis: Tokenization of Real Estate Assets
- FH JOANNEUM, Graz, Austria
- Bachelor’s Degree in International Business Management

Student: Claude Donzé
- Thesis: Startup-Financing
- University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
- Master Degree in Finance

Student: Nicola Tschopp
- Thesis: Possibilities and application of the blockchain technology in the real estate industry
- University of applied science and arts, Lucerne, Switzerland
- Master Degree of Science in Real Estate

Student: Mirëjeta Qerkinaj
- Thesis: Digitalisierungsprozess von Land- und Immobilienakquisitionen — Fokus Blockchain
- Hochschule Luzern
- Bachelor of Business Administration (Immobilien)

Student: Simon​ Kaiser
- Thesis: Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und -beispiele der Blockchain Technologie in der Immobilienwirtschaft
- Hochschule Luzern | IFZ
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Immobilien)

Student: Bruno Fiumano
- Thesis: Smart-contracts (i.e. Wie setzen Unternehmen Smart Contracts ein)
- Technische Universität München, Germany
- Master Degree

Student: Raffael Dubach
- Thesis: Land Register and Blockchain
- University of St. Gallen
- Bachelor Degree (Business Administration)

For Expert Interviews or other support, feel free to contact us at go@tokenfactory.global

