5 Countries in 3 Weeks: Token Foundry’s Tour Across Asia

Token Foundry
Published in
3 min readJul 27, 2018

After an early-summer series of events in Europe, The Token Foundry team headed east across Asia over the month of July. Starting in Singapore, the team and several clients ventured across Tokyo, Hong Kong, Beijing, Seoul, and Shanghai in just three weeks.

It’s no secret these cities are a hotbed for blockchain technology and ideology. Genesis Market Insights recently ranked Asia as the fastest growing market in the global blockchain market (which they predict will quadruple by 2023).

From conference halls to start up hubs, the buzz of anticipation for this growth was palpable. The Token Foundry team was lucky to attend a number of larger industry-advancing events, as well as intimate dinners with some of the top thought leaders and investors in the space.

By the Numbers

Over 22 days…

  • Distance travelled: 24,520 miles
  • Time spent on flights: 55.5 hours
  • Conferences attended: 3
  • Co-hosted events: 15
  • Other events attended: 22
  • Meetings: 76
  • Twitter impressions: 412,500
  • Twitter engagements: 1,191

In case you’re getting FOMO, we pulled out a number of highlights from across the tour so you can catch up on the best of what went down.

Trip Highlights

Singapore, July 1–3

The team with 256 Ventures in Singapore.

Tokyo, July 4–7

At Neutrino, the blockchain coworking space in Tokyo.
Our founder, Harrison Hines, speaking at the blockchain conference TokenSky.
Meeting with event organizers at TokenSky.

Hong Kong, July 8–11

Chris Gonsalves getting the crowd excited about GamerToken in Hong Kong.
Julien Bouteloup of Flyingcarpet (right) in Hong Kong at the EEA meetup at Lane Crawford Headquarters.
Pei Chen measuring the impact of blockchain in Hong Kong.

Beijing, July 12–15

Our founder speaking at a Beijing Naked Hub meet up space.
Dinner in the Forbidden City, in the historic ice room.
Meeting attendees at the Transference meetup in Beijing.
In Beijing with JRR Capital.

Seoul, July 15–18

Mahoney getting some air time on Crypto Trader in Seoul.
The team in Seoul at The Shilla.
The team getting in the World Cup spirit in Seoul.

Shanghai, July 19–22

Shanghai streets, in the former French concession.
The team near the end of the 3-week trip.

Our consensus is that you can expect great developments coming out of Asia in blockchain, and we’ve learned a ton having our finger on the pulse for a few weeks.

For other token and blockchain-related news, follow Token Foundry on Twitter.



Token Foundry

The global platform for well-structured tokens and token-powered networks