Tokens from Heaven

Finally a Way to Define and Create Tokens that is Understandable

Ronald Resnick
Token Hall
2 min readApr 29, 2019


Anyway, when I joined the EEA in Jan 2018, being relatively new to all of it has been a whirlwind. After picking up the basics about blockchain over the past year I wasn’t done learning. Along come Tokens –

Dating myself, my vision of a Token is what I used to put in a turn style in NY Subway system. But trying to get a good definition of Token turned out harder than to get a definition of blockchain.

At least with Tokens, it wasn’t as hard to identify names, places, etc. of those who introduced them compared to trying to find and understand Satoshi and roots of blockchain.

So Tokens are a big deal — and folks don’t understand them.

So EEA decided to host an Initiative “Token Taxonomy Initiative” to develop a language to define a Token — with intent that non-techies will understand its meaning and purpose and learn to use it to fulfill maybe their wildest dreams.

So what is a Token, what are they made of? My analogy for Tokens is that they are like the Universal Language of Music.

With 13 notes and some rules to follow anyone, anywhere, can use music to create their masterpiece.

The Token Taxonomy Framework (TTF) defines the 13 notes for tokens. Except there are more than thirteen of them, but the concept is the same.

So with the TTF — we invite anyone to join us — we can enable anyone to define and create Tokens, just like those 13 notes.

Check us out:

