Introduction to the Blockchain Bridge

Amy Luong
Tokenize Xchange
Published in
5 min readMar 30, 2022

A blockchain bridge, also known as a cross-chain bridge, is a tool that allows two blockchain networks to communicate with one another. So, what exactly is a blockchain bridge? What is the mechanism behind this technology? Tokenize Xchange would like to assist you in answering those questions in this article. Let’s see what we can find out!

What is Blockchain Bridge

What is the Blockchain Bridge?

A blockchain bridge, also known as a cross-chain bridge, is a device that connects two blockchains and allows users to transmit cryptocurrency from one to the other. In other words, if you have bitcoin and wish to spend it like Ethereum, you can use the bridge to do so.

One of the most serious issues with blockchain was the inability to collaborate. While each blockchain is fluid and somewhat efficient as a separate entity, it is constrained by the boundaries of its own domain. This can frequently result in high transaction costs and congestion.

Token transfers, smart contracts, data sharing, and other feedback and instructions between two distinct platforms are all possible with blockchain bridges.

These blockchains issue separate currency and follow different regulations; the bridge acts as a neutral zone, allowing users to seamlessly switch between them. For most of us, having access to numerous blockchains via the same network dramatically improves our crypto experience.

How does a blockchain bridge work?

The most common use of blockchain bridges is token transfer. They can perform a lot of things like convert smart contracts and communicate data, but the most common use is token transfer.

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Bitcoin and Ethereum, for example, are the two most popular cryptocurrency networks, yet their laws and protocols are significantly different. Bitcoin users can utilize a blockchain bridge to transfer their money to Ethereum and perform things with them that they couldn’t accomplish before on the bitcoin blockchain. This could include buying Ethereum tokens or making low-cost payments.

When you have bitcoin and want to move some of it to Ethereum, the blockchain bridge will store it and convert it to ETH equivalents for you to utilize. There is no movement of any of the crypto involved. Rather, the amount of BTC you want to send is locked in a smart contract, and you get an identical amount of ETH in exchange.

When you want to convert back to BTC, the ETH you had, or whatever remains of it, will be burned, and an equal amount of BTC will be returned to your wallet.

If you wanted to do this on a regular basis, you’d have to convert bitcoin to ETH on a trading platform, withdraw the funds to a wallet, and then transfer the funds to another exchange. By the time it’s done.

Why do we need blockchain bridges?

The use of technology amongst different ecosystems in the blockchain network system gives a lot of amazing benefits to both sides.

Readers can use the example below to demonstrate the advantages of using blockchain bridges:

Dapp development on Ethereum, for example, frequently encounters user experience issues like as slow transaction processing, high prices, heavy traffic, and frequent pauses.

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Developers can swap tokens with other ecosystems using a blockchain bridge to speed up processes and lower expenses. It means that in the Ethereum development community, developers will continue to run DApps on Ethereum and use ERC-20 standard tokens.

The identical bridge system will serve both sides in different ways. By sharing them with the ecosystems on the bridge, it helps to reduce Ethereum network load and contributes to network circulation. Additionally, they help to overcome some of Ethereum’s scalability issues.

Types of blockchain bridges

The blockchain bridge works in the same way that the blockchain does. It’s built on decentralization as well, and it’s divided into two types: trust-based and trustless blockchain bridges.

Trustless blockchain bridge

Decentralized blockchain bridges, also known as trustless bridges, aim to make users feel more secure when transferring their money. Individual networks contribute to the validation of transactions in these systems, much like in a real blockchain. If you’re concerned about your coins ending up in the wrong hands, a trustless bridge will provide you with peace of mind.

The issue with decentralized bridges is that the service is provided on a freelance basis. When incidents occur, this can be a liability because they are simply paid to process your request, not to fix them.

Trust-based blockchain bridge

When transferring a big quantity of cryptocurrency, trust-based bridges are a quick and cost-effective choice, but the number of trustworthy services is limited. Going into the region of lesser-known companies might be risky, making it unappealing to small sellers.

Cryptocurrencies with such solid underlying characteristics have utility value, making them safer to invest in. Before making financial decisions, investors should learn everything there is to know about blockchains and how they work. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the Tokenize Blog for additional Blockchain information.

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