The Luckiest Zodiac Signs of 2021: What’s Your Lucky Token?

Tokenize Xchange
Published in
14 min readFeb 8, 2021

Year of the Ox 2021 is approaching this February. It’s that time to learn about your fortune horoscope this upcoming year and come up with a wise investment plan. Happy new year, folks!

*** Note: The months mentioned in this article are according to Chinese Lunar Calendar.

Lucky Tokens for All

Among the tokens, there are 3 that bring good luck, prosperity and wealth to all Zodiacs:

  • TKX
  • BTC
  • ETH

Purchase these at the beginning of the year of the Ox to bring home good fortune. Continue reading to find out about your Zodiac’s financial fortune and lucky items for this upcoming year.

The Rat

The Rat has the first position in the Chinese Zodiac. The birth years of the Rat are: 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008.

Year of the Ox 2021 is going to be a good year for the Rat, especially career-wise.

Although it’s not something characteristic for this sign, the Rat might take some risks during this year, which could lead to financial profits from unexpected sources. The Rat natives will make a lot of money, but they will spend more than what they make. So be cautious and control your expenditure, don’t be over-optimistic when things start to look good.

Towards the end of 2021, the Rat natives must avoid any type of speculations, especially gambling or real estate. They need to use this time to save money and to keep under control their desire to spend. The Rat natives will need to avoid gestures/actions that can be misinterpreted because this will either diminish their achievements, or it will create enemies or tense moments in the future.

  • Lucky token: BAND
  • Lucky numbers: 5 & 7
  • Lucky months: March, July, October
  • Unlucky months: September, December
  • Lucky colors: Yellow & brown

The Ox

The years of the Ox in the Chinese Horoscope are: 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009.

This new year is not going to be good financial year for the Ox natives. They are still going to make money, but they are also going to spend a lot.

This is going to be the year when it is necessary to double your efforts to accomplish anything at all. No catastrophic event is going to occur, so it is a favorable year for economic recovery or consolidation, a year of long-term investments.

  • Lucky token: YFI
  • Lucky numbers: 2 & 8
  • Lucky months: April, September, December
  • Unlucky months: June & July
  • Lucky colors: White, yellow & green

The Tiger

Your Chinese Zodiac is the Tiger if you are born in these years: 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010.

While you will deal with new projects, you will also face a limited resource of ideas and you will be lacking inspiration of how to further proceed.

If you think of changing your job, June 2021 is the best month for doing so. Don’t be hasty and analyze all the solutions for the future before you throw yourself in a new job.

Between June and November, it is best to use all your advantages and your expertise to solve and to cover any deficiency which you might carry over from last year.

In the Year of the Ox 2021, between May and October, the Tiger natives will be forced to focus on long-term financial plans, paying attention to the incurring expenses. It is a good idea to review the financial situation and to make the necessary corrections. Deal carefully with this issue and avoid unnecessary spending.

  • Lucky token: LINK
  • Lucky numbers: 6 & 9
  • Lucky months: January, June & October
  • Unlucky months: March & July
  • Lucky colors: White & silver

The Rabbit

The Year of the Rabbit is fourth in the Chinese Zodiac. Your Chinese Zodiac is the Rabbit if you are born in one of these years: 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011.

In terms of professional projects and activities, this is going to be an interesting year. More ambitious than usual, you will stop taking refuge in secondary roles and you will dare to call more attention to yourself. Your efforts will be rewarded right from the beginning of the Chinese Year 2021

Few delays and syncopations are possible towards the end of the year but don’t worry, the final balance of 2021 is going to be positive. The Rabbit natives are going to face some issue in their career due to their stubbornness in making everything perfect. You will need to accept that, in order to move on, you have to fulfill only passable standards. Be aware of your capacities and accept only the tasks that you can finalize.

You should be careful with arguments, competition and jealousy. Be patient and calm.

  • Lucky token: SUSHI
  • Lucky numbers: 2 & 8
  • Lucky months: February, July & October
  • Unlucky months: January & December
  • Lucky colors: Silver & blue

The Dragon

The Dragon holds the fifth position in the Chinese Zodiac. The birth years of the Dragon are: 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012.

This upcoming year, the Dragon natives must be extra careful.

The Dragon is going to have a promising career, much better than the last year. Those born under this Chinese Zodiac will be able, more than ever, to use their analytical skills for strategies to complete their projects during the Ox Year.

All challenges occurring during the 12 months of this year will be easily solved with intelligence and expertise. The business will excel, especially in marketing and sales, foreign partners (even from other countries) will get involved with you in commercial activities.

Remote trips for business are also welcome for the development of the business area. Those born under the Dragon sign need to organize their financial situation and focus on financial balance and better accounting.

Between March and May of 2021, your monetary (financial) situation will improve, with benefits both from inside and outside, and you are going to have a substantial positive budget. Which is going to be profitable in the future.

However, Dragon natives should be cautious in terms of spending money. Futile expenses need to be carefully kept in check.

  • Lucky token: UNI
  • Lucky numbers: 5 & 9
  • Lucky months: April, June & October
  • Unlucky months: March & July
  • Lucky colors: Green & brown

The Snake

The birth years of the Snake are: 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013.

Between March and June of 2021, in terms of finances, the Snakes are lucky, because the money comes whenever is needed.

In 2021, the Snake natives are cautious with their money but generous when it comes to friends and family. The Snakes must approach a career that doesn’t imply taking any risks, even if the risk requires only hard work.

During this year, you are efficient in decision-making functions. If you are a manager or if you are working in the IT domain, everything should go smoothly for you.

The year of the ox 2021 is not the most suitable for changing jobs and, even less, for changing the activity field. If you are looking for a job, the greater the experience in the respective field, the better chances you have. If you are trying to get hired in a new field, where you have no experience, your chances are fairly low. You need to show a lot of tenacity, and the help of those around you can be decisive.

In terms of professional career, between August 20th and November 30th, the Snake natives can expect a period when they need to work hard and not count too much on luck. Of course, a lot of work also means a lot of stress, but if you work as your nature dictates — scrupulously and meticulously — you will manage to avoid many stressful situations. Luck is not your best ally towards the end of 2021, but you can count on the help of those around you, especially when making important decisions.

  • Lucky token: BAL
  • Lucky numbers: 5 & 8
  • Lucky months: February, July, December
  • Unlucky months: March & October
  • Lucky colors: White & grey

The Horse

The birth years of the Horse are: 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014.

Those born under the Horse zodiac sign are going to have a beginning of the year full of success and accomplishments. Don’t let the opportunities pass you by, work hard and the rewards won’t fail to appear.

At work, you are going to enjoy many benefits and you will also travel a lot on business. Think twice before you make an investment and spend your money carefully.

In 2021, the Horse natives need to feel independent, free and, above all, unsupervised by someone. Horses can’t stand any jobs that force them to be stuck in an office. Their active nature makes them prefer jobs where they interact with people and there is no surprise if the seller or the PR who made you believe something that you could have sworn is not true is born in the Horse year. The Horse natives like to be original and to take decisions fast. The careers that imply patience and detailed work are not for them. Only when they are continuously moving they feel in their element.

During 2021, the Horses always know where they must direct their efforts and how to obtain maximum efficiency. If problems occur and it “proves” that they can’t handle things by themselves, you can be sure this is just a momentary issue. Shortly, they will get back in business, solving in an admirable manner the “troubles”, proving that they deserve much more.

Never letting anything to chance, these natives will make the best arrangements in the opportunity of the moment for the support and with the goal of having as many resources as they can use quickly and efficiently, either in investments or for their personal needs. For these reasons, they have the tendency of becoming too practical and too stingy with money, getting to the point where they never take any risks.

  • Lucky token: DOT
  • Lucky numbers: 3 & 6
  • Lucky months: March, June & September
  • Unlucky months: July & October
  • Lucky colors: Gold & purple

The Goat

Your Chinese Zodiac is the Goat if you are born in these years: 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015.

During 2021, the Goat natives are disorganized, and business is not their strong point.

Instead, the Goat natives are great artisans, artists or writers and they can pursue with confidence any career that implies using artistic skills or creativity.

Towards the end of the year, the Goat natives might encounter some difficulties in maintaining their focus, they might lose their calm and also some money. At the same time, they need to control their behavior and watch what they say, so they don’t get in trouble.

As compensation, few lucky stars are shining in the Goat zodiac sign, which is going to help them finalize their projects with success. It is important to mind their own business, to stay out of things that don’t concern them and to not engage in gossip and other people’s conflicts.

  • Lucky token: CRV
  • Lucky numbers: 1 & 7
  • Lucky months: September, June & October
  • Unlucky months: May & November
  • Lucky colors: Yellow & gold

The Monkey

The Monkey has the ninth position in the Chinese Zodiac. Your Chinese Zodiac is the Monkey if you are born in of these years: 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016.

Lunar New Year 2021 is not so good for the Monkey natives so be careful if you plan to open a big business. Plan, plan, plan. Please plan carefully to minimize any risk.

If you don’t have a job, in 2021 you have all the chances to find one that not only it will prove to be a step forward in your career, but it will also be very well remunerated.

It is recommended to send your resume to as many companies in your field of interest as possible, to get ready thoroughly for interviews and to negotiate as best as you can your salary. It is possible to benefit from several sources of income because, besides your job, you could open up a small business.

Even so, it is not advisable to throw money left and right. Wait for the end of the year to start making investments such as house renovation or a new car, especially if a credit is required.

  • Lucky token: XLM
  • Lucky numbers: 3, 7 & 9
  • Lucky months: August, September, October
  • Unlucky months: June & November
  • Lucky colors: Pink & gold

The Rooster

Your Chinese Zodiac is the Rooster if you are born in these years: 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017.

2021 is the year of change for the Rooster. Although some sacrifices will be in order, they will manage to surpass their own strength and achieve everything they want.

You have a great desire for change, you want something new, whether is relocating to another country, or changing your job. It will be in your interest to think first about other people. Whether is about your career, your love or your family life, never make a decision without trying to anticipate the consequences for those around you. A big gain will knock on your door if you put your friends and family first.

At the beginning of 2021, you might get in some uncomfortable situations at work with some people you don’t like. However, being a team player means you need to deal with any type of personality in order to obtain satisfying results.

Between May and August, the Rooster’s financial life is very stable. They are not big spenders and they calculate each penny to ensure it is well invested. They make a financial plan each month and they hardly deviate from it, and when they do, it surely is an exception or an investment they planned for a long time and they only now have the money to make it.

At the same time, the Rooster natives should gather their mental energy to better focus on their professional life. For them, the end of 2021 will bring quick changes, some of them occurring with lightning speed, and if they take the time to weight and re-weight every move and decision, they will act too late. Therefore, the Rooster natives need to keep their focus on work, but without discarding caution.

  • Lucky token: SNX
  • Lucky numbers: 5 & 8
  • Lucky months: March, August & December
  • Unlucky months: July & September
  • Lucky colors: Blue & gold

The Dog

The Dog occupies the eleventh position in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac. Your Chinese Zodiac is the Dog if you are born in one of these years: 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018.

It is very important to plan everything with great care and not to overlook the projects that you know are profitable, paying attention to others that may fail. There is a major risk of losing money and becoming indebted in 2021.

Your tendency of spending money on expensive things that you don’t really need doesn’t help either, nor the tendency of playing with money by making financial speculation or by betting at the casino.

Towards the end of 2021, your finances are as stable as possible, Even if the natives are not the most rational shoppers and they often run out money, those born under the Dog sign often have some savings set aside for rainy days.

Throughout the year, you tend to function more efficiently as part of a team than individually. However, in the Chinese year 2021, you don’t really care about the appreciation of others, as much as how to find the best ways to achieve the best results.

In fact, all throughout the year, the only thing that you care to waste your energy on is to ensure that the outcome of your actions is positive.

Professionally, there are going to be plenty of opportunities that will keep occurring during next year. The predictions are extremely optimistic, provided that you remain involved and act every time you have a chance.

Don’t let your actions go unnoticed. It may be difficult to put yourself in a favorable light, but there won’t be a better year for such an attitude as the upcoming year. The improvement of the work perspectives of the Dog natives in 2021 will lead to an increase in their income.

The financial situation of the Dog natives is going to be encouraging. With the additional money that will enter their household, many Dog natives will decide to buy things that they’ve been thinking about for a long time, very important for the Dog. But the Dog natives also need to save some money, and if they can, to set aside some for the upcoming vacation.

  • Lucky token: AAVE
  • Lucky numbers: 4 & 8
  • Lucky months: July, August & December
  • Unlucky months: June & September
  • Lucky colors: Silver & gold

The Pig

The Pig birth years are: 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019.

The prospects of the year are favorable, especially in the professional life of the Pig natives. They can expect some positive developments even from the beginning of 2021.

It is likely to receive more interesting and satisfying work tasks, followed by promotions or transfers. Professionally, the Pig’s year is one of progress. Using their talents and experience, the Pig natives are going to make a good impression, due to which they will make a few steps forward. At the same time, having an ingenious, sharp mind, capable of interesting ideas, the Pig natives are advised to use it.

In 2021, the Pig natives could make full use of their two great qualities: the entrepreneurial spirit and the talent for making money. The Pig’s professional progress will lead to a gratifying increase in their income. As usual, they will prove their great skills in solving financial issues.

They should be given an advice: if they can, it is recommended to save some money for the future because the money set aside during the Year of the Ox 2021 has the potential to become a useful capital in time.

  • Lucky token: LTC
  • Lucky numbers: 2, 5 & 8
  • Lucky months: January & June
  • Unlucky months: April, July & October
  • Lucky colors: Grey, white & green

**This article is for entertainment purposes only and does not constitute as an investment advice.

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