The Newsletter by Tokenize Xchange (Vol.108| October 2020)

Tokenize Xchange
Published in
3 min readOct 28, 2020

Disclaimer: The below announcement does not apply to Tokenize Malaysia users. For Tokenize Malaysia user please refer to announcements from

USDT, DAI, USDC interest rate adjustment

Don’t forget that our new interest rate adjustment of USDT, DAI, USDC will be applied soon!

The new interest rate will be 6% P.A and 8% P.A if you stake with 2500TKX.

Note that those who have entered previously at 12% interest can continue to enjoy it for a year so long as you did not withdraw.

WARNING! Be wary of Tokenize scam Facebook Page

Recently, a lookalike Tokenize Xchange Facebook Page usually drops comments with fraudulent information in our posts like below:

We are trying to report and prevent it from scamming our users. However, scammers appear to be of various types and difficult to track in time. So, be careful and note some ways following to recognize a fake Tokenize page:

  • The company name is misspelled or spelled differently or added with a comma (,) or period (.)
  • Comes together with an unbelievable offer (for example YOU HAVE WON 1 BTC!)

Learn more ways to protect yourself here!

How to alert in Tokenize Xchange mobile app

Step 1: Download Tokenize Xchange application to your mobile: iOS | Android

Step 2: Login your account and go to “Market” -> click the bell icon on the top right -> click Add alert

  • There is another way for you to select the coin: in Market, choose the coin you want -> click the Bell icon on the top right -> coin is automatically chosen -> follow the steps above to finish

Refer here for detailed instruction.

Travel Rule implementation and What you need to do!

On 2 November 2020, we will impose a new crypto deposit/withdrawal whitelist in order to comply with FATF travel rule. Which means only private wallets that are whitelisted will be able to interact with our exchange:

  • Deposit from the whitelisted wallet
  • Withdrawal to the whitelisted wallet

Click here to learn more.

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