The Newsletter by Tokenize Xchange (Vol.110| November 2020)

Tokenize Xchange
Published in
3 min readNov 11, 2020

How to participate in Crypto Earn and Stake TKX

Tokenize Crypto Earn allows you to safely deposit your cryptocurrencies with us to earn monthly interests in your crypto.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to participate in crypto earn and stake TKX on Tokenize Xchange.

Step 1: Go to our website. Select EARN on your dashboard then select Crypto Earn

Step 2: Click on “Crypto earn today”

Step 3: The dashboard will show our supported coins for crypto earn.

Step 4: Review and confirm.

Here is the detailed instruction

Interest Rate Updates

Starting on 16th, November 2020, we will be reducing the interest rate of BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, LINK to 4% P.A, and 6% P.A if stake with 2500 TKX. In addition, TKX interest rate will be also adjusted to be 8% P.A for normal and 10% per annum for 2500 TKX.

New listing for USD and SGD pairing

Don’t forget to trade with our new USD and SGD pairings!

The “blue chips” of Crypto

The term “Blue Chip” came about from the game of poker — whereby the blue chips have the highest value. Traditionally, blue-chip is a well-established and financially sound company that has a long record of stable and reliable growth… Learn more!

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