The Newsletter by Tokenize Xchange (Vol. 47| August 2019)

Travis Teo
Tokenize Xchange
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2019

TKX Prediction Campaign

There will be an upcoming event that we will be launching in the mid of September! Our users will be able to stake TKX to predict the price of BTC and users who correctly guesses the price wins 1 BTC! More details will be released soon!

NJBC will be listing on Tokenize Xchange!

The NJBC token sale is ending soon! They will be launching their mainnet as well as getting listed on Tokenize Xchange on 28 August 2019, 12:00 AM (GMT + 8).

Click here to read more about NJBC and their Mainnet upgrade!

Exchange listing on CoinMarketCap (CMC)

We are proud to announce that Tokenize Xchange is going to be featured as a tracked listing on CoinMarketCap in the next couple of days!

In addition we are in discussions with CMC for the listing of TKX!

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