Introducing Tokenized API

A Smart Contracting Platform

James Belding
Tokenized Blog
7 min readMar 31, 2021


We’re excited to announce the launch of the API for Tokenized, a smart contracting platform that we believe is the first practical step forward towards building out a smart contract-based global financial system.

The documentation for our platform’s API can be found here.

To gain access to our API, please email

API Docs for the Tokenized Platform

What is Tokenized?

Tokenized is a comprehensive platform-as-a-service (PaaS) that improves the way contracts are drafted, exchanged, authorized, executed, and managed over the entire contracting lifecycle. We aim to connect market participants and make voluntary exchange simpler, faster, and lower cost.

The platform features a set of building blocks that allows anyone to easily build banking-grade, and feature-rich, apps with embedded smart contract and token services.

Our system features groundbreaking capabilities never seen before in a production system. The capabilities of our system make it a serious competitor to cutting-edge Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) solutions, in addition to creating new markets.

Build your business, brand, and front-end (or use ours), and we can support you with all the Bitcoin, token, smart contract, and compliance-related tech.

An example of an event ticket smart contract being drafted. (Disclaimer: not a real contract)

Key Features

  1. API: A full-featured and non-custodial Bitcoin and token wallet, a smart contracting platform, and a suite of compliance tools.
  2. Managed Services: All of our services are managed with round-the-clock B2B support.
  3. Bitcoin SV: The platform fully utilizes the Bitcoin SV network which has valuable and unrivaled properties. The BSV distributed network allows for ultra-low transaction fees (~US$0.002/txn), near real-time clearing and settlement (~2 secs), and massive throughput (currently at 10k+ txns/sec) with no effective scaling limit. Nearly every action/event is stored on the blockchain.
  4. Smart Contracting Engine: A no-code smart contract drafting, execution, and management engine.
  5. Tokens: Issue, trade, and manage digital tokens controlled by smart contracts. Tokens are assets in the form of digital ownership certificates.
  6. Ricardian Smart Contracts: Our smart contracts are a comprehensive form of Ricardian contracts, that allow for machine-readable/enforceable terms and conditions, as well as human-readable prose.
  7. Tokenized Protocol: An open-source commercial records protocol that utilizes the BSV network for passing and storing messages. The protocol uses smart contracts, tokens, oracles, and on-chain messages as building blocks to enable a compelling way to manage the record-keeping associated with finance, and commerce more generally.
  8. Open-Source Protocol: Permissionless interoperability with no long-term organizational risk/lock-in.
  9. Fully Utilizes Script: The Tokenized Protocol can be thought of as an extension to Bitcoin’s Script. Conditions controlled by the Tokenized Protocol are in addition to the locking and unlocking scripts that are used to control tokens and contracts.
  10. No Back-to-Genesis Issue: Our token protocol does not suffer from the ‘back-to-genesis issue’ that many token protocols suffer from. This makes it as SPV-friendly as bitcoins.
  11. Activity Feed: An activity feed that includes all basic token-transfer types (i.e. transaction history), as well as other commercial events related to managing smart contracts over their lifecycle (e.g. asset quantity authorizations, amendments, resolutions, etc.).
  12. Treasury: Manage all of your tokenized assets and liabilities, including separate transaction histories for each asset type.
  13. P2P Asset Transfers: Token transfer-types include sends and trades via atomic swaps. All transfer requests and trade negotiations are P2P and fully on-chain.
  14. Multiple Asset Types: Standardized support for various legal instruments, called asset types, including currencies (i.e. on-chain digital fiat), coupons, loyalty points, casino chips, and fixed-rate bonds. Many more asset types are in the works.
  15. Paymail Addressing: Interact with other users using an easy-to-use E-mail-like address (i.e. handle@domain.tld).
  16. Enterprise-grade privacy: No address is ever reused when receiving tokens, and token amounts that are transferred are obfuscated using an algorithm that breaks up values, randomly, and distributes them across a number of outputs.
  17. Banking Integration Services: Services that integrate with traditional bank accounts to allow for fiat currency on/off-ramps.
  18. Oracle-delegated Compliance: Identity and Authority Oracle services to allow for compliance functions to be performed for regulated activities. Tokens can be frozen, unfrozen, and confiscated by issuers, and/or oracles delegated by the issuer. This can also allow for the recovery of users’ funds if they lose their keys.
  19. Smart Contract Agent Hosting: Automatic hosting of instances of the smart contract agent.
  20. Flexible Contracts: Contracts can be amended/upgraded to allow for practical management suited to real business. New features can be added, keys can be swapped out if they are lost or compromised, bugs can be fixed, and on-chain mistakes to the ledger can be corrected.
  21. MFA: An optional multi-factor authentication system that is supported by an iOS and Android mobile app. Biometric and 6-digit pin authorization supported.
  22. KYC: Banking-grade customer identity verification features, including document capture and liveness tests, are also featured in the mobile app.
  23. Vaults & Lockboxes: Support for the grouping of assets and liabilities within an entity’s treasury using Vaults and Lockboxes that are tied to a custom derivation path (m/Entity/Vault/Lockbox/Address’) based on BIP-32, and are grouped by locking scripts.

Upcoming Features

This release has enough functionality to serve many of our prospective customers with a compelling value proposition. However, some of our current, and future, prospective customers have additional needs. With that in mind, we decided to draw a line in the sand with this release and aim to prioritize the upcoming features based on customer demand. If you have a use case that requires a feature below, or one not listed, please don’t hesitate to talk to us.

  1. Web and Desktop App: A user interface for interacting with the platform.
  2. Client-side SDK: A suite of JavaScript tools that makes it easier to interact with the API.
  3. Transfer Requests: Invoices/payment requests/etc.
  4. Multi-key Support: Multi-sig/key signing arrangements for vaults and lockboxes.
  5. Entities: Support for different entity types (e.g. companies, corporations, trusts, partnerships, etc.) using on-chain Entity Contracts and related ownership tokens (e.g. common and preferred shares, units in a trust, etc.).
  6. Roles-based Control: Advanced roles-based control of entities and vaults with customizable permissions and authorization schemes.
  7. Contract and Entity Governance: Token-based control through on-chain votes/resolutions enforced by the smart contract, that can cover any term and condition in a smart contract, and more.
  8. Contract Timeline: A list of timestamped events that affect the state of a particular contract.
  9. Contract Variables: Link/embed typed data into the body of agreement of smart contracts.

Who can benefit from leveraging Tokenized?

We are capable of working with any organization, or individual, around the world interested in issuing smart contracts and tokens on a distributed ledger.

Blockchain-based record-keeping improves security (ransomware-proof), increases transparency, lowers costs, improves interoperability, improves the UX, can break down data silos, and prevents lock-in from software solution providers. Our system can bring about all of those benefits without introducing new risks, and can still offer all of the flexibility currently enjoyed by modern IT systems.

The Tokenized platform’s design has been generalized to account for all of the key features required of any type of agreement and the associated legal instruments. We also offer features that allow for all of the governance and administrative functions required to allow groups of people to work together effectively.

In other words, any use case that requires entities working together can benefit from utilizing our solution.

Small, Medium, and Large Businesses

We can help any business that would like to issue digital assets (loyalty points, coupons, tickets, etc) to improve their customers’ user experience. The interoperability of an on-chain token system can open up new ways of engaging and rewarding customers on social media while lowering engagement resistance.

Our solution can also ease point-of-sale friction and inefficiencies associated with loyalty points programs and redemption coupons. Improve your relationships with your customers, while also strengthening customer loyalty and improving business intelligence.

FinTech Start-ups, Scale-ups, and Mature Companies

Issue any type of financial instrument, including novel ones and currencies (i.e. stablecoins, E-money), while ensuring that all of your compliance obligations are reliably met. Our system can also massively improve the underlying contracting experience, both for your business and your customers.

Financial Institutions

Our system can be compared to Banking-as-a-Service solutions in terms of features and functionality, but it also adds novel capabilities associated with smart contracting, microtransactions, and the blockchain’s unprecedented interoperability that will open up new markets and new revenue streams.

Government Agencies

Tokenized offers all of the features necessary for a full digital transformation of many of the important record-keeping functions of government. Land title registries, company/security registries, clearing and settlement networks (including real-time gross settlement systems), and digital licenses are just a few examples.


The Tokenized Authenticator app (iOS/Android mobile app).
A selection of standardized contract types.
Authorizing an amendment to an executed smart contract.
Transaction history for the example ‘Air Miles Silver’ loyalty points.
The confirmation modal for sending a small amount of bitcoin.
The first step in executing an atomic swap between two currency tokens.

We are Officially Open for Business

This launch is a significant milestone for our company. We now have a working solution that can solve real problems for real customers.

In unequivocal terms, we are open for business.


If you’d like to learn more about our platform, please don’t hesitate to connect with us through one of our channels listed below.




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