Guess ETH price and win 1000 LON!

WEN Eth? — A WETH trading game

Tokenlon DEX
3 min readSep 19, 2022


Tokenlon launched the Limit Order function on Arbitrum in July 2022. The limit order function allows users to execute a trade at a specific price with the following advantages:

  • Literally NO cost: 0 gas fees, 0 transaction fees, and 0 cost for unsuccessful orders.
  • Hassle Free: Orders will be fulfilled at a preferred price without constant monitoring. Anyone can place limit orders at any time.
  • Sufficient liquidity: Integrated liquidity from Uniswap and Sushiswap. Liquidity from PMMs will also be integrated in the near future.

To further promote the advantages of Limit Orders and the Arbitrum network, we’re bringing you WEN Eth? A WETH trading game

Campaign period

Date: 20th September 2022, 12am UTC+8 — 27th September 2022, 12am UTC+8



1st place — 500 LON

2nd place — 300 LON

3rd place — 100 LON

Lucky Draw

2 winners — 50 LON

How to participate?

  • Make a prediction/guess on the price of WETH if it will go up or down
  • Simply make a WETH/USDC pair Limit Order trade with a minimum value of $50 USDC. Each trade in line with the price movement of WETH will receive 1 point daily. Repeat this however many times as necessary.
  • Top 3 wallet addresses that accumulate the highest points at the end of the campaign wins.

Game Mechanics


  1. The ETH price at 12am everyday will be recorded. If the ETH price at 12am the next day (24 hours later) is higher, it’s UP DAY. If it’s lower, it’s DOWN DAY.
  2. UP DAY: All successful Limit Order trades swapping USDC for WETH receive 1 point. (Buying WETH with USDC)
  3. DOWN DAY: All successful Limit Order trades swapping WETH for USDC receive 1 point. (Buying USDC with WETH)
  4. Only trades above $50 USDC in value will be allocated points
  5. Top 5 leaderboard in points will be published everyday. At the end of the campaign, the top 3 wallet addresses with the most points win.
Example of an UP DAY

Lucky Draw

  1. A lucky draw will also commence on the final day. Any Limit Order trades during the campaign period will have a chance to win.
  2. There’s no minimum trade value required for lucky draw.


  1. Do I get points for multiple trades in the same day?

Yes, as long as every trade has a minimum of $50 USDC in value!

2. What happens if multiple users have the same points on the leaderboard?

The priority in ranking will go towards the wallet address who has overall higher trade volume during the campaign period.

3. Where will the leaderboard be published?

Leaderboard updates will be posted in our Discord and Twitter. Don’t forget to follow us!

4. Are other trading pairs, e.g. WETH/USDT supported?

For the sake of the current campaign, we’re only counting the WETH/USDC pair. You can still trade other pairs as usual without accumulating points.

5. How do I sign up?

Campaign participation is based on individual wallet addresses, no sign up is necessary. Simply make a trade on Limit Order to participate!

  • Click HERE to learn how to use Tokenlon Limit Order feature
  • Click HERE to experience Tokenlon Limit Order



Tokenlon DEX

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