NFT Discord Community: 10 reliable ways to grow your community for your NFT project — TokenMinds

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5 min readNov 9, 2022

An essential strategy for marketing your non-fungible token project is to create an NFT discord community. An NFT discord community is also called a server. You generate this server on Discord. Discord has various features that can help you grow your community. For example, the VoIP app has servers and text channels and allows bots. If you have an NFT project, you can use these features to grow and manage your community. However, creating and managing an NFT discord server is an intimidating job that requires the help of an NFT marketing agency.

Are you planning to expand your NFT discord community? If so, you’re at the right venue. Here, we dive deep into the best techniques for expanding your discord community server.

What are the advantages of an NFT discord community?

NFT Discord servers are online venues where creatives, developers, investors, and fans congregate. A discord community server focuses on a particular theme and project. Discord is a community-based platform, making it the perfect choice for an NFT discord community formation. Here are the key advantages of an NFT discord community:

  • Customization of a community: a pivotal draw to an NFT Discord server is that you can curate a group to meet your needs. For example, channels and categories help to organize information flow. This structure is helpful in NFT marketing as it allows an excellent flow of communication.
  • Whitelisting: developers fold their Discord communities before deploying a project and provide whitelisting chances to interested buyers. This selectiveness creates buzz around the project. Whitelisting lets individuals with exclusive approval enter while omitting others. Managers of an NFT discord community can use the safelist individuals to denote the group’s interests and to efficiently boost branding tactics.
  • Efficient customer support: customers resent waiting for a long time before a business handles their inquiries. They want an efficient technique of messaging and timely resolution to their queries. Discord offers a platform where community members can have their queries resolved quickly. You can create a customer service channel that handles queries.
  • Effective marketing: marketing entails telling a story about your project. When you engage in NFT marketing, it means that you have a narrative to share with your audience. Discord allows you to share your story via its methods, including video, pictures, and words. These techniques will help to cultivate a positive image of your brand.

How to grow your NFT discord community

You can achieve your NFT marketing objective if you expand your NFT discord server. Here are the techniques you can use to grow your discord community server:

Create excitement

Attracting people to your discord community server is a formidable job. Yet, when individuals join you, a big challenge is how to keep them in your fold.

An essential technique of keeping your community together is ensuring everyone is excited. So, you need to make new announcements each week. Members should be anticipating a new report each passing week.

Here are some announcements that excite an NFT discord community:

Attract new members via giveaways

Many cherish freebies. So, a giveaway strategy is one of the best techniques for driving individuals to your server. Giving people giveaways can incentivize them to share your marketing messages. For example, if a member invites five individuals to your group, you can appreciate their marketing efforts with a giveaway. Your giveaways can catch the attention of many people if you advertise them on various platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook.

Create a set of regulations that members must observe

You can only keep a sound NFT discord community if you create rules that members must adhere to. If members don’t obey rules, society will crumble quickly. Remember, people dislike hanging around in a group with unruly individuals. Some rules to help you keep your group healthy include:

  • No spamming/sharing information unrelated to the server
  • Avoid attacking other NFT discord community members
  • Avoid sharing adult content
  • Avoid posting gossip

Host frequent AMAs

Ask Me Anything (AMA) is an excellent tactic for attracting and retaining people to your server. People want to learn about your project and how it can benefit them. Also, AMAs allow people to have a one-on-one engagement with project developers. Also, the strategy boosts group members’ trust as they know they’re real people behind the project.

Interact with the community daily

Community members will be happy to stick to your group when you interact with them frequently. You should cover various subjects during your interactions, such as giveaway updates, current stats on your project, and shoutouts to NFT owners.

Activate bots when absent

It can be challenging to stare at the screen 24/7. However, there could be some people who might want to join your server during your absence. And that’s how Discord servers come in handy. Bots can help automate tasks, such as welcoming new people, deleting spammers, and ejecting violators of community rules.

Create appropriate channels

You can help visitors and members have a smooth experience by organizing your server with the proper channels. Each channel you create should focus on a particular topic and always put the most critical issues at the top. A well-organized server allows new members to navigate and find the information they’re looking for quickly.

Popularize your server on Twitter

Marketing is a critical aspect of helping you grow your server. So, you need to apply multiple tactics to market your community. An essential technique for promoting the group is through Twitter. There are various steps to follow when marketing your server on Twitter. However, if you lack knowledge or time to engage Twitter communities, hiring an NFT agency is advisable.

Deliver high-quality content

As your community expands, many people will want to join it because your vision is more significant. Your administrators should help community members know that you stand for a larger-than-ordinary idea. One of the best approaches to re-energizing your community is posting compelling content. Reading informative and engaging content keeps people hanging around for more stuff.

Hiring an NFT marketing agency

Creating and managing an NFT community is intimidating for many, especially beginners in the industry. Successful projects harness the power of an NFT marketing agency. An NFT agency has the tools and a pool of professionals to help you. So, avoid flying blind and hire a company to help you in NFT marketing.

Final words on the NFT Discord community

A community is a critical component of any NFT project. You can create your groups on different platforms, such as Twitter and Instagram. However, Discord is a leading platform for developing an NFT community. Here, we have explored multiple ways of growing your Discord community.

Originally published at on November 9, 2022.

