Dataeum Expert Review

Luis Wester
Published in
3 min readSep 17, 2018

The Dataeum team is knowledgeable and experienced in the relevant areas required by the business and industry. I am happy to see Dataeum being the CEOs second project relating to local data generation. DenDen already had two successful fundraises and is partnering with companies like TomTom and Here. The team covers all angles for their decentralized platform and checks out on all their social media and LinkedIn accounts. They are advised by several of the top ICO advisors in the space which is a double-edged sword. These advisors are well known with their own following and platforms, but they are very busy and likely not dedicated to the project and will not have come cheaply. Some of these have not listed Dataeum as one of their current project which leads me to believe that at least a few of them are rented faces. Another upside to the team is the existing partners, from ICO service providers with proven track records to digital ID providers.

The Dataeum vision is grand but clear. In their own words:
”Dataeum will become the most used data blockchain in the real world thanks to its community that will collect millions of physical data around the globe.”
The team strives to achieve this with a human-centered platform. By utilizing users ability to collect accurate physical data which is verified and updated through a mobile application properly using blockchain and smart contracts in a transparent process. The validated data will then be made available in a decentralized marketplace. Offering the user the ability to retrieve, consult, rent, or acquire their own and foreign data. The solution is well thought-out and utilizes three mechanisms for the validation of the data, accuracy, and credibility of the collector. Coined proof of existing data, proof of constant data, and proof of trust.
The team has already proven their concept in three collection campaigns in Paris, Barcelona, and London where over 300 000 physical data was successfully collected. The implementation of AI and augmented reality technology in their application is something I believe the team should push back until the dapp is finished. It seems not essential and adds additional complexity at this stage.

The market research in the whitepaper is sufficient but not encompassing. The concept is not unique and no proper competitor analysis has been done. It lacks in this regard. The whitepaper, however, addresses all other concerns in a precise manner. The token economics are simple but fair. 20% allocated to the team, investors, and bounty is more than I’d like it to be and the further distribution is not clear. The roadmap is long term but will definitely need to be readjusted several times throughout the next months and years. The one-pager offers an intuitive overview of the project for investors that are in a rush.

I believe that Dataeum is a sound project. The 14 core team members are dedicated, the vision is clear and the product has true viability with many use cases. The app already exists and the concept has been proven. It will come down to the team’s ability to outmaneuver their competition and adapt to the rapidly changing data market. In addition to being able to form progressive partnerships in the relevant markets, the user will only collect the data if the token compensation is valuable enough which requires entities that want to acquire or rent said data.

See this review and others about Dataeum on my profile,, and ICOBench.



Luis Wester

Luis is a marketing expert, the founder of and the author of Blockchain Maximalist and numerous articles on technology, predominantly blockchain.