Dataeum Expert review

Intro: I have been following the progress of Dataeum since early March of 2018. They have done everything by the book in terms of how an ICO/TGE should be carried out.

People: The team that has taken on this project are definitely capable. After performing thorough due diligence through LinkedIn and other social media, I’m certain that the team is real and their credentials and experience are accurate. It’s very comforting to find that the CEO is not a stranger to the data generation and collection industry. Before Dataeum, he co-founded another company that aimed to improve the generation and collection of Data. Albeit on a much smaller scale. It seems that after proving the solution he came up with in 2014 was scalable he has taken that technology and is applying it to a worldwide solution.

Solution: Big Data is one of the most profitable markets in existence. It is projected to become the most profitable as the need for fossil fuels slowly gets replaced by clean energy. Because of this, there are already powerhouse companies that have a foothold in this industry. Google and Facebook are going to be very tough competition. This is the very thing that blockchain is supposed to do. Disrupt the existing model that keeps pouring trillions into the pockets of the few and having it instead go out to the masses.

The single most important thing that Dataeum will have to focus on after the TGE is finding a way to inform the population as to how valuable their personal data actually is. Until such time as the data generators (humans) stop giving their data away for free, this project will have a hard time finding big companies willing to pay for what they are already getting.

A note to the people: “If the software or website or app you are using is free, then you are the product”.

Dataeum, you have my full permission to use that.

Strategy: As I stated in my intro, the strategy that Dataeum has used up to this point has been textbook. There are a few things that are very popular with ICOs currently that I find to be unnecessary and a big red flag from an investment standpoint. This being, the long list of top advisors. I am certain that over half of that list will bring nothing to the table other than rent out their pretty faces for hefty sum. Without a doubt, a large portion of the allocated tokens will be going into advisors pockets along with a hefty cut of the total raise. This often causes the token value to take a hit early on and it is very hard to recover from that.

Conclusion: I am optimistic. I believe that Dataeum has what it takes to disrupt this industry. Facebook and Google are just a few of the big names that will be standing in their way. This will be a true David and Goliath story. I’m willing to overlook the over-usage of top “advisors”. The capability of the team and the strength of the product overshadows that shortcoming. Dataeum has my support.

Check out this and other decentralized immutable ICO reviews over at Presale.Market

