Submit a project

Fraser Brown
Published in
1 min readMay 18, 2019

Currently, project submission is not paid in DApp. It will be soon!

Currently, you should contact the Tokenn team about your project to discuss listing for curation on initially, how this process works, and if and how listing on happens.


$5,000 paid in Ether is required to submit your project on This is non-refundable and is used to reward curators (experts) for their effort. As the dexpert DApp develops this process will increasingly become autonomous.

$20,000 paid in Ether is also required. However, if your project is unsuccessful during curation this will be refunded. On a case by case basis Tokenn will consider accepting half of this amount paid in project tokens.

Tokenn charges for advice about your project and its listing at a daily rate of $1000 per day, and $150 per hour for adhoc advice.



Fraser Brown

Olympian > Entrepreneur > Social Entrepreneur > Crypto save-the-planet Entrepreneur Contact: @fraserbrown_org