(11) The $TPRO Token Panel Tutorial! 👌

Tokenomia.pro Writer
Published in
5 min readAug 2, 2022

GM, Web3 Adopters! 🌐

The $TPRO listing is coming TOMORROW! And because of that, all the Web3 Adopters, $TPRO investors and $TPRO buyers have to know how to use our token panel.

  1. How to claim your tokens?
  2. How to stake $TPRO to start earning rewards?
  3. And how not to get lost?

Check this comprehensive summary to prepare for the listing day:

1/ Main Page

When you enter the token panel, you will see a dashboard with:

  1. Token information (ticker / $TPRO contract address)
  2. 2 buttons (“stake $TPRO”, which will move you to the staking tab, and “Buy $TPRO”, which will transfer you to the Uniswap Exchange.

Then, you will see the instruction on how to claim and stake the TPRO tokens:

After that, we placed all the things that staking $TPRO token offers and the staking levels overview:

  1. LVL1: ADOPTER (special pool for the Web3 Adoption Program) — min. $100 lock in $TPRO for 24 months. LVL1 staking starts in Q4.
  2. LVL2: ENTHUSIAST — min. $500 locked in $TPRO for 1 month. Stakers get $TPRO tokens bought back from 5% of the company income.
  3. LVL3: EXPERT — min. $1000 locked in $TPRO for 2 months. Stakers get benefits from LVL 2 + $TPRO token fees from instant claiming.
  4. LVL4: MASTER — min. $2000 locked in $TPRO for 3 months. Stakers get benefits from LVL 3 + tokens received from projects that we build for 100% tokens from our advisory go to our holders.
  5. LVL5: LEGEND — min. $5000 locked in $TPRO for 6 months. Stakers get benefits from LVL 4 + 10% of tokens bought from Toknomia.pro investments.
  6. LVL6: VIP — min. 10M of $TPRO tokens locked for 12 months. Stakers get benefits from LVL5 + access to private funding rounds of projects we build for, higher priority and better conditions if you are our client, and access to all VIP networking events.

(get to know more about the $TPRO staking here)

2/ “Claiming” tab

To enter the claiming Tab, click the “claim” subtitle on the top of the token panel page.

If you participated in the $TPRO seed or private sale, you would see the number of claimable tokens here.

Remember to connect the right wallet and have enough ETH available to pay the fees!

3/ $TPRO staking pools

Now, when the tokens are claimed, you have two options:

  1. Dump the tokens and pay the 60%/50%/40% fee,
  2. or stake your tokens to gain rewards and become a long-term focused investor.

You can check the staking benefits on the token panel home page (we will add the link when the token panel is launched) and in our Lightpaper (link).

To stake the $TPRO tokens, you need to:

  • Type the number of tokens you want to stake (if you are an early investor and have $TPRO bought during the listing day, you can connect the claimed tokens with the ones you’ve bought and you can stake them in one transaction).
  • Choose the staking duration (if you meet the conditions for a certain staking tier, you are automatically assigned to it),
  • Approve the tokens in your MetaMask wallet
  • and click “stake”

If you decide to withdraw the funds, you can do it here:

(remember you cannot withdraw the tokens before the end of the lock period)

Here, you will find a 4-minute video tutorial covering the $TPRO staking process. Check this out! (Polish version / English version)

4/ Reward tab

This Tab will show all the claimable rewards distributed for the $TPRO staking.

Notice that all tokens will manually appear on contracts (it is not automated).

Follow our social media to stay up-to-date.

5/ “Account” tab

By clicking the “Account” button, you will see your wallet address and $TPRO staking balance.

6/ “But sir, what if I didn’t participate in the seed or private sale and still want the $TPRO tokens?”

That’s cool. Thanks for your trust. You can purchase the $TPRO tokens via Uniswap Exchange. Check the tutorial on using Uniswap and gain exposure to web3!

After that, you can also place your $TPRO tokens in the staking pools and start gaining crypto rewards.

Article Summary 📝

Thanks for your time!

If you have questions, feel free to jump on the discord and ask our community mods. Keep your fingers crossed for the listing!

PS. Follow our social media to stay up to date!

