(14) We Are Launching a $TPRO DAO! 🥳

Tokenomia.pro Writer
Published in
4 min readAug 26, 2022

GM, Web3 Adopters! 🌐

We hosted an AMA session yesterday, and the Tokenomia.pro founders announced THE LAUNCH OF DAO!

DAO is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization that decentralizes and anonymizes the decision-making process.

  1. What is $TPRO DAO?
  2. What are the operating principles?
  3. What’s the strong “why” behind the $TPRO DAO?
  4. And what will be the first proposal?

Let’s dive deeper into the rabbit hole 🐰

Here are the details:

Table of Contents 📝

  1. What is the DAO?
  2. Why are we launching a DAO?
  3. “But sir, what will DAO be doing?”
  4. Voting principles
  5. How will the proposals work?
  6. We care about the investors!

What is DAO? 👓

As you read before, DAO is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization.

When the whole concept was invented, nobody actually could describe what DAO is.

We think that the best definition is an organization for collective decision-making.

In other words, DAO is the management structure among a particular community.

The fair voting process has been discussed for ages, and a couple of years ago, the crypto space invented a completely new model based on decentralization and tokens.

It works in such a way: if you have tokens of a particular protocol (or the blockchain), you have the voting power to vote for proposals.

Additionally, DAO is an excellent alternative for current governance systems, which has some drawbacks that DAOs solve.

In Tokenomia.pro, we decided to launch a $TPRO DAO — a decentralized voting system for the $TPRO ecosystem.

Why Are We Launching a DAO? 🤔

The whole $TPRO team believes in decentralization.

We want to give the community of investors the possibility to decide about the future of $TPRO.

Moreover, the $TPRO team wants to actively build the crypto space and figure out the best possible model of DAO functioning.

DAOs have some challenges, and we no longer want to be the other DAO participants but to change the experience and become the DAO creators.

Our know-how is essential because our clients often ask us about launching their own DAO.

To provide them with the TOP quality, we have to know the game, learning on the $TPRO DAO.

“But Sir, What Will DAO Be doing?”

The $TPRO DAO will vote on anything related to the $TPRO token.

The first proposal will be about voting for what comes next for the fees from the $TPRO claiming in the token panel.

So far, we have over $52k worth of tokens to… do what DAO will decide.

Maybe we will burn all of them?

Maybe we will distribute all of them?

Or maybe the split between 50% burn and 50% distribution is a great solution?

It’s all about the $TPRO community ✊

Voting Principals

You may wonder who will have the voting power and how it will be calculated.

We got you.

Your $TPRO / vote ratio depends on the number of tokens staked, the staking tier you’ve chosen and lock period (we have 6, you can check them in our token panel).

Soon, we will publish a dedicated article covering the voting principles.

Subscribe to our Medium to stay up to date!

How Will The Proposals Work? 📪

Keep in mind that the whole idea of voting and DAO is based on proposals and snapshots.

When we publish the proposal, all the investors that have the $TPRO staked at that moment have the voting power in that particular proposal.

If new investors want to participate in the voting and they buy & stake $TPRO after submitting the proposal, they won’t qualify for the snapshot, so they won’t be able to vote (for this particular proposal).

They will qualify for the following proposals and upcoming snapshots.

PS. Currently, the possibility of putting own proposals by the community will be narrowed. However, we will probably change that in the future, so more people can create their own suggestions.

We Care About Our Investors! ❤️

Yes. You get it right. We want to automate the whole DAO-based activities, so our investors can focus on their things.

If you are staking $TPRO (and will do it till publishing the 1st proposal), you will be captured by the snapshot, and you won’t have to do anything else — just submit your vote and sign the transaction.

Additionally, Łukasz Szymański — our CEO — will publish a video explainer on our YouTube Channel, covering the operating principles of voting, signing the transactions etc., so you will be up-to-date as the community members.

Bottom line 📝

We are on a mission to decentralize everything possible!

Follow our social media to stay up to date!

