Incentivized Zealy Program Overview Writter
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2 min readJul 12, 2023 is extremely excited to reward users for being part of a strong community being constantly built. We have created this program for everyone to join and engage with each other to bring much more awareness across Web3 and to show how important Tokenomics and auditing really is.

This program will make sure to acquire a larger community of like-minded individuals striving for excellence. By participating, you become part of a supportive network, where your achievements are celebrated and your progress is nurtured. This program is designed to empower you and provide the tools and resources necessary to learn and achieve your goals within this criteria.

Program happening here.

Dates: July 12th — August 31st

Reward Pool: $2,000 in $TPRO tokens

Over the course of these days we will have stages with a series of tasks being released approximately each week, consisting of some tasks being moderately challenging!
Each task will not only bring Incentives but also makes sure our community learns, which will have a great impact on everyone participating.

However most important, of course — Rewards! For that we have a point system put in place to track everyone’s progress and eligibility for Incentives.

Here are stages of the program that you will see within the upcoming weeks:
(Just to give a rough idea of what to expect)

Stage 1: Engage, Stake & Refer

Stage 2–3: Engage, Promote Audits Results

Stage 4–5: Engage, Pick Projects to Audit

If you have any questions regarding this program, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via; Discord or Telegram.

For more information about, please visit our Website.

