FREE CPU|Get 110 EOS CPU Resources for Free on TokenPocket

New EOS accounts are eligible to receive a 10 ms CPU resources, others can receive a 5 ms CPU resources.

2 min readDec 11, 2019


Free Resources Gifts

The EOS accounts that register after Dec 9th are eligible to receive a 10ms resources for free which can perform 30 times token transfer. Other EOS accounts can receive a 5ms network resources for free.

Step 1:Claim it on [New User Gift]

  • Users can open the DApp on the Discover page of TokenPocket
  • Or open [New User Gift] on the DApp browser of Tokenpocket

Step 2:Check it on [Forget Mode]

Tap the lighting button on the top right of the wallet home page to enter the [Forget Mode], here you can manage your remaining CPU resources.

What’s the Forget Mode

Every action on the EOS mainnet requires the resources (CPU and NET), which is complicated and bother users. Thus we launch the Forget Mode where users can easily execute the actions on the mainnet by paying a few fees, to erase the concept of CPU and NET.

Introduce the Forget Mode PRO

TokenPocket provides a solution for the DApps that want to cover resource fees for users. Users can play the DApps that have adopted this solution without CPU cost, don’t need the Forget Mode too.


Start your journey of discovery

  1. Download TokenPocket from App Store or Google Play
  2. Go to [Discover] > [DApps]

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