Blockchain News and Token Report Are Joining Forces

Galen Moore
Token Report
3 min readNov 30, 2017


I’m proud to announce the merger of two projects that have more in common than outward appearances might show. Token Report, a financial data service for cryptocurrency investors, and Blockchain News, a news site covering blockchain and cryptocurrency projects, will work together from now on.

I’m very proud to be working with Richard Kastelein on our new joint venture. Together, we will put knowledge of cryptocurrency and the blockchain into the hands of users that range from newcomers to the largest institutional investors.

In short, our merger combines Token Report, providing specialized, exclusive information for the high-volume investor, with Blockchain News, providing reliable news and information that is available to anyone.

The two business lines will continue to operate independently: Blockchain News will remain an ad-supported news site; Token Report will remain a subscription-based financial data provider. However, the two will share resources, taking advantage of the synergies between a financial research operation and a newsroom. When Token Report researchers pick up an undisclosed change in a project’s white paper, you can bet that Blockchain News writers and editors will have that information, soon after it goes out to Token Report subscribers. When Blockchain News writers get a tip on a noteworthy project that’s under the radar, count on that information entering Token Report’s databases.

“Knowledge itself is power,” Sir Francis Bacon wrote in 1597. At the time, historians tell us, gold and silver were so scarce in England that shopkeepers issued their own currencies, minted in wood, leather or lead.

In 2017, knowledge itself is money. The person or persons who siphoned funds out of The DAO smart contract proved this to be true. Cryptocurrency has completed the abstraction of value out of precious metal, note, or any government’s power to tax, and into pure information.

And yet, cryptocurrency is known for obfuscation and a lack of transparency — an emerging asset class that is opaque to new and experienced participants, alike. If the crypto protocol layer at times appears unstable and fragmented, the information layer that sits above the stack is a swirling fog.

At Token Report, we’re clearing the air for every category of investor who participates in the growing cryptocurrency markets. We’ve designed a token that changes the economics of financial research, enabling Token Report to build a high-growth business serving crypto’s unique mix of whales, crowds and institutions alike.

Blockchain News has done the same thing for newcomers to the space. It started as an open-source project and Richard has built it into the closest thing crypto has to a business newswire. Readers are up-to-date on announcements from nearly every high-impact project, plus a flow of news from blockchain developers they might not have heard of. Developers that meet consistency and credibility standards have merited coverage on Blockchain News.

Blockchain News and Token Report will scale together and grow, each in its own right, supported by its own customer base. Our vision is nothing less than building the transparent information layer that cryptocurrency needs.

