Token Clarity Feature Update: Following an ICO

Seline Jung
Token Report
Published in
3 min readJan 15, 2018

The “Follow” feature update in Token Clarity is one we’ve been working hard to rework processes for. We had it up and running in the early days of Token Clarity, but unfortunately, it fell by the wayside in the last month or so due to some other research priorities that commanded much of our time. We are excited to be bringing it back, and in a more refined way, instead of casting our net too wide with tracking too many ICOs — including ones that users are not interested in.

One of the existing features in Token Clarity right now is the ability for users to “Follow” an ICO of interest. Following an ICO means the user will receive alerts in the bot on updates and changes to said ICO. You can also “Unfollow” a project at any time.

The change is that we here at the research desk are winnowing down the number of projects we’ll be following closely, based on the number of followers the project has. At this time, we will not be sending alerts and updates on ICOs that have closed.

Below are the updates users will be receiving alerts about:

  • White paper changes, including version updates, changes to the team, section additions and removals
  • Changes to terms of sale, including dates, hard cap, token price, total supply and minimum purchase requirements.
  • Product development updates

Users will also be able to “Replay All Updates” in Token Clarity to see all alerts that have been sent about an ICO without following one. Just type in a backslash and the token ticker to pull up an ICO.

The top 10 most-followed ICOs in Token Clarity (live and upcoming sales, only) at the time of writing are:

  • Envion /EVN
  • Shipchain /SHIP
  • Kairos /FACE
  • Metronome /MTN
  • Ink Protocol /XNK
  • Flying Money /FML
  • Zilliqa /ZIL
  • Dadi /DADI
  • Rentberry /BERRY

We will be tracking these ICOs most closely, for now. If there is an ICO that piques your interest, Follow it in Token Clarity. Or, let us know which ones you’re interested in by joining our forum. If there are enough users following it, we will track it for updates and alerts. We hope to expand this feature to include more ICOs and more kinds of alerts, including live updates on the progress of a sale and opening and closing notifications.

Token Report is an independent financial information service founded by Galen Moore and Peter Vessenes. Galen is a financial journalist with a background in startups, venture capital and launching news sites. Peter is a co-founder of the Bitcoin Foundation, and launched the first VC-backed Bitcoin company in 2011. He is managing director at New Alchemy, a boutique consulting and investment group based in Seattle, Wash., that is making a pre-seed investment in Token Report.​

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