Token Report’s Next Chapter

Galen Moore
Token Report
Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2018

We launched Token Report in the second quarter 2017 as an investor newsletter focused on initial coin offerings (ICOs). We quickly discovered that the underlying data we needed to write analyst notes about projects was so fragmented and hard to find that fact-finding took up most of our efforts. So, we set about building a fact-finding machine and a structured way to incorporate information about every ICO on the planet.

Since then, we’ve explored ways to deliver that information to users — and to add new data sets to it. We even explored and socialized a way to issue a token related to the network of information resources we are building.

I’m happy to announce today that we’re entering an exclusive client/investor relationship with New Alchemy, one of the world’s largest blockchain advisory firms. New Alchemy managing director Peter Vessenes has been an investor in Token Report since the beginning. We look forward to pooling our resources to provide a better understanding of the market for New Alchemy clients, and for the digital currency community as a whole.

As part of this relationship, some Token Report staff will be embedded inside New Alchemy, working closely with New Alchemy’s existing market analysis, research and advisory teams.

We also have some tough product decisions to make. Token Clarity, the Telegram bot that interfaces with our database, has been a popular product. We’ve learned a lot from interacting with the roughly 1,000 users who participated in its beta phase and I want to big-up Andy Cernera and Gary MacDougall, who helped us build it. Personally, I use it multiple times a day for quick access into and out of project white papers, Bitcointalk announcements and Telegram forums, as well as fundraise data. However, it doesn’t align with our strategy right now and we are not able to maintain it to the standards we’ve set. As a result, we will withdraw it, for now. I hope at some point in the future we will be able to return with a public-facing product that delivers some of its utility and applies the lessons we learned.

We will continue to support our forum for general discussion of token projects and our recently rebooted weekly newsletter for data and knowledge on digital currency markets.

With our combined resources, there’s no limit to what Token Report and New Alchemy can do to advance understanding and transparency in digital currencies. We’ll be partnering with other organizations and hiring staff related to these projects. We look forward to making announcements about both, soon.

