Welcoming William Mougayar to Our Advisory Board

Galen Moore
Token Report
Published in
1 min readNov 10, 2017

Token Report is pleased to welcome blockchain expert and veteran startup advisor William Mougayar to our advisory board.

We understand that this doesn’t necessarily mean he will tweet about our project, unless we do things that turn out to be interesting enough to tweet about. On our journey toward building to build a comprehensive financial data service for cryptocurrency, we think we will give him some things to tweet about.

William Mougayar

William has been focused on identifying worthwhile projects in cryptocurrency for the long-term, since before the Ethereum Project’s initial coin offering (ICO). Through that time, he’s led efforts to bring transparency, consistency and standards into cryptocurrency markets.

Those are goals we share. William and I talked about them with another Token Report advisor, angel investor and former Techstars director Ty Danco, in a series of two video interviews, back in July, connected to William’s work on Token Filings. You can find those interviews here:

Most of all, William has a firm understanding of how to bring long-term value out of a bubble. We hope his advice will help us build something to last beyond it.

