How Community Shapes Token’s Rollout

Melanie Shapiro
Published in
3 min readJan 16, 2020

Four months ago I shared a retrospective on the path to releasing Token. In the world of a start-up, a few months feels like a year, but our journey towards a keyless, cardless, more seamless life has been as rewarding as ever. I wanted to share some appreciation for the people and partners who made this past year so spectacular, and the ways that you, our community, have helped to shape the first iteration of Token.

From the start, it’s been important to me that Token supports the business ecosystem of western New York. Naturally, a large part of that involves choosing to work with organizations from the area. I’m thankful to our 10+ partners here in Rochester: from our shipping partner to our manufacturing partner, a majority of our supply chain lives in New York State. We rely on you for your exceptional quality and support, and together we’ve made great progress.

Of course, a startup has no chance to realize its potential without people who regularly go above and beyond the call. My talented team has poured their passion into developing Token, and it’s their unique skills and dedication that make it all possible. Heartfelt thanks for all you’ve done to get Token to the finish line!

Lastly, I’d like to thank you, our community of supporters. Over the past few months we looked to you for feedback via social media and our newsletter, and we’ve seen more meaningful engagement than ever. My team and I are deeply grateful. The data you shared has helped us move forward confidently on the design, app experience, and packaging materials. Here are a few other insights you provided:

  • Most people want Token to make payments, and our community of supporters is far ahead of the adoption curve for contactless payments in the US.
  • While the strongest interest surrounds using Token for payments, 9 out of 10 employ some form of security credential to access their workplace, and would benefit daily from Token’s contactless access feature.
  • There’s huge interest in seeing Token in a variety of styles and finishes, but silver and black are the most popular.

Thanks to you, we’ve aligned Token’s launch features around the needs and preferences that you’ve shared. Please keep them coming! My team and I feel so fortunate to have the benefit of your generous input. We’re thankful for the opportunity to work on something we deeply care about and can share with all of you in 2020. I’m proud to say we’re still on schedule to begin shipping limited production Tokens in Q2 of this year, and am thrilled at what the new year holds for all of us!

CEO, Token

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