A Look Inside Token Biometrics

Steve Dunkel
Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2019

Biometrics have been a central point in our design of Token, because the foundation of our two factor authentication depends on your fingerprint. As a privacy-focused company, Token will not share your biometric information across any database, platform, or application. Rather, Token performs the biometric matching via the secure element in the ring itself. This means that your fingerprint data is not stored in the cloud where it can be stolen. It belongs to you, and is encrypted on your Token ring, which can only be activated by your fingerprint.

How does it work? To frame this statement in the proper light it’s important to share the process of biometric fingerprinting. The key features of any basic biometric system include three elements: enrollment, templating, and matching.

Enrollment involves collecting several images of your fingerprint which are compiled using special hardware contained on the ring itself. From that data, a template of the print is constructed, which enables the ring to quickly identify if the unique wearer is actually the registered user of that Token. This function is securely performed within the ring and allows local matching to take place. Without the biometric match, the ring, the Token app, and every other piece of your data, are inaccessible. If you lose your ring, your information is still safe.

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