World’s first platform to bring accountability to ICO reviews

Zech Yap Jia Qing
Published in
3 min readJun 5, 2018

We have seen numerous reports and stories of ICO reviewers holding ICO founders hostage by threatening to leave a bad review if they do not pay up or offer an advisory position.

Cases of ICOs paying influencers and reviewers to leave positive reviews on ICO review platforms are prevalent. Existing platforms for ICO reviews, like the well-known ICOBench for example, do not even use a ranking metric of ICO reviewers that is in the interest of ICO investors.

The only thing ICO investors would care about with regards to ICO reviews, is how well their ICO investments would perform if they followed the advice of the reviewer. That should be the only defining metric to benchmark ICO reviewers.

Therefore, TokenScore is launching our Simulated ICO (SICO) Investment Fund challenge, requiring every reviewer on our platform to manage a simulated ICO Investment Fund which they have to pledge an amount from whenever they leave a positive review on an ICO. We then rank the reviewers based on the performance of their SICO Investment Funds, and over time, expert reviewers with better simulated fund performance will have greater weight assigned to their reviews. A simple KYC process is required of the expert reviewers to prevent reviewers from starting multiple accounts. We believe this will lead to more trustworthy and accurate reviews on our platform over time, and dampen the effect of rigged reviews on the platform.

To encourage reviewers to flag out high-risk ICOs too, our ICO Police System ranks reviewers based on how well they accurately identify underperforming and scam ICOs in advance.

Ranking highly on our leaderboards also comes with lots of perks with our partners, like invitations to join exclusive pre-sale allocation pools, job opportunities as cryptoanalysts and blockchain programmers, advisory opportunities with ICOs, and even potential opportunities to be allocated money to start your own ICO investment fund. Besides those perks, every month the top ranked expert on our SICO Investment Fund leaderboard will receive a 2 ETH prize, while the top ranked expert on the ICO Police leaderboard each month wins a 1 ETH prize. Your ETH wallet address will also be publicly displayed for the community to send you ETH in appreciation for your contributions.

Want to establish yourself as a trusted ICO expert and build your reputation? Apply to be an expert reviewer on TokenScore, and take advantage of our Launch Challenge where the Most Appreciated Analyst Reviewer and Technical Reviewer on our Appreciates leaderboard (number of likes on reviews) on June 11th 00: 00 GMT+8 will win 1 ETH each!



Zech Yap Jia Qing

AI and AR software engineer; formerly founder of a VC-backed startup in the AI space