5 Things Every Crypto Startup’s Website Should Have

Seda Mermer
5 min readJun 14, 2022


If you are a new crypto startup, there is a likelihood that you already have your website all set up but are having trouble deciding what to put on it. As the founder or owner of a crypto startup, there are so many ideas that may be running through your mind regarding what to include in and what to exclude from your crypto startup’s website.

The reality that the content of a crypto startup’s website is also crucial to its success in gaining funding makes the pressure to put up the right content even greater. In the midst of all the noise regarding what to include in a crypto startup’s website, this article narrows down this inexhaustible list to the five most important things that every crypto startup’s website should have.

Crypto Startup Website Must-Haves

The first port of call for a potentially successful crypto startup is a website. All successful Crypto Startups in the past have had websites that had the following components:

A Clear Value Proposition

A value proposition sets your project apart from others. A unique value proposition is a statement that highlights the most important benefits your project is offering. It is a strong selling point for projects, but it also improves your website’s quality and quantity of leads. A clear but powerful value proposition may be the difference between an investor giving your project and website a second look.

The only problem most companies have with a value proposition is writing it. People ask questions like: What should I highlight as my most significant benefits, and how should it be worded?

Breaking it down might help. So, first things first, you need to know what investors are looking for in your value proposition. There are only three — difference, quantifiable values, and relevancy. List out all the benefits that fall under the three categories above. Pick values that overlap and meet the three requirements, then outline your value proposition. There are four parts, and they are the:

  • Headline
  • Sub-headline
  • Bullet Points
  • Images

The next consideration is the wording, and here’s a tip — keep it simple. Use simple words that even a 6th grader can understand what you’re offering. Choose words that are convincing to an investor. You can check other websites to get an idea of what to use.

The last thing on the value proposition is placement. How large it is, where it is positioned, the font used, and font color all affect the efficacy of a value proposition. Use different variations and A/B test them over a few weeks to determine the most effective one.

A Whitepaper

Investors have become warier of crypto scams masquerading as crypto startups since 2018, and are constantly on the lookout for fraudulent ones. According to Investopedia, not having a whitepaper is usually a red flag and an indication that a crypto startup is likely a scam. If you want to look legitimate to investors, you’ll need a whitepaper on your website.

A whitepaper is a document that explains the purpose and the technology behind a project. It outlines and answers the major questions that investors have, such as how the project works, what problem it solves and how it solves it, and how long the project would last. If there is no whitepaper on your website, it undermines the goal of having the Crypto Startup in the first place.

A good whitepaper should contain the following:

  • A project outline
  • The problem and how your product solves it
  • Detailed information about token release and marketplace
  • The Crypto Startup roadmap
  • The Team

Your whitepaper should be visible to all visitors. You can make it a CTA to increase download.

A Crypto Startup Roadmap

Also known as milestones, a crypto startup roadmap is a project timeline that contains the objectives of the crypto startup and a timeline for completion. It is usually a chart that includes the milestones for the project and the time when they should be finished.

According to TechCrunch, the absence of a roadmap is a red flag for investors and indicates that the company has no plans to complete the project and is just trying to get money. Including a roadmap on your website is a guarantee that you have planned out the project from start to finish and intend to complete it.

It gives investors a timeline for the duration of the project and lets them track the project’s progress as well. On the other hand, a roadmap has its advantages for the team. Being put on a deadline makes everyone work faster to keep up with the schedule.

Lastly, when designing a roadmap, be specific with your timelines but not too specific. For example, if you hope to hit a milestone in the first week of February, you should put the timeline as Q1. This allows you to give time for any delays.

A Startup Resource Center

A resource center is a part of your website where you share relevant content and answer commonly asked questions about your project. It is usually dominated by FAQs and blogs. Most websites use this opportunity to highlight the important aspects of their project, address the common doubts, and provide relevant information for visitors.

There are two main reasons why your website should have a resource center.

  • It Builds Credibility

There’s something to say for a resource center. It tells the people who visit your page, especially investors, that you have nothing to hide. A resource center also helps your website in the Google credibility and ranking stakes. More content increases your chances of ranking high on SERP.

  • It Reduces Bounce Rate

When you have more to offer visitors to your website, they tend to stay for longer, and when they do, it reduces your bounce rate. Aside from lowering your bounce rate, it’s also an excellent avenue for investors to see more about your token and answer any questions he’s asking.

Community Links

In addition to courting investors, an initial coin offering is also geared toward building a community. So, it goes without saying that you should have community links on your website. Community links also give investors and other people a chance to know more and ask questions about the project.

Putting your community links on your website is very important because your website gets the most traffic, so more people would have a chance to see your link and join the communities. Put your community links on a CTA or animated widgets to improve their visibility and increase the chances of more people joining your community.

Don’t know which communities to link? Try these:

  • Email Newsletter
  • Reddit
  • Telegram
  • Medium
  • Discord


Having a website is one thing, but having a website that is designed to make your Crypto Startup successful is another thing. The websites of the most successful Crypto Startup projects in history all have components similar to the aforementioned ones added to them to increase their chances of success. You can give your Crypto Startup a better chance today by adding these same components to your Crypto Startup website.

