Crypto & NFT Marketing 101

Seda Mermer
5 min readApr 7, 2022


There is no going back. Blockchain is here to stay, and it has come with a host of other services and products. Right now, the crypto and NFT industry is abuzz with renewed interest. People are trying to find out more about the industry, and the crypto and NFT world is rapidly expanding by the day.

At the centre of this rapid expansion of the blockchain is an innovation called Web3. This is famed as the latest and greatest iteration of the world wide web, but most people are yet to really catch on.

Nonetheless, there is still a lot of creating going on in the blockchain space, and creators are constantly looking for new ways to put themselves out there. Creating is one thing; selling your creation is another ball game entirely. As a crypto company or NFT content creator trying to get your products out there, you need marketing.

Why Do You Need Marketing?

Traction. Awareness. A community. It doesn’t matter which three reasons you pick; they all lead to one fact: blockchain products require a mass buy-in. This means that it doesn’t matter what you’re into, crypto or NFT; you’ll need people to subscribe to it as well.

If you’re a company with a new coin that you’re trying to get off the ground, you need people to believe enough in your coin to buy it and increase its popularity until it becomes big enough to be worth some serious money.

The same goes for NFTs. There are too many NFT artists and products out there that you need a loud enough buzz around your project for people to sit up, take note and start purchasing.

Marketing is undoubtedly essential. But how do you go around spreading the word that you’ve got a product worth looking at in a world where a thousand other people just like you are doing the same? Can the same methods of marketing used by traditional businesses cut through the noise in the Web3 world? Let us find out.

Six Crypto and NFT Marketing Strategies used by Big Companies

The marketing strategies discussed in this article have been tested and tried for effectiveness by successful crypto companies and NFT owners.

-Have a Website

I can’t stress this enough: have a functional website. It’s super important for every business. You might not want to make such an overhead cost while you’re just starting, but it’ll make your marketing efforts easier.

First things first, a website gives you legitimacy. When people hear of your product, they do two things. The first thing they do is ‘google’ it for themselves. They want to see a website and the necessary information on it. The second thing is to hit social media to find out what other people think of it.

Don’t scrimp and save or be miserly with your budget when getting a website. Get a good website that loads fast and has a great design. It’ll draw people in more. Get a Medium account and put out relevant content there if you can’t afford a website yet.

If you’re into NFTs, the same rules apply to you. You can drum up a following for your products by providing a backdrop for them in the form of a website. If you can’t afford to get one yet, you can use any of those sites that let content creators share their creations.

-Embrace Social Media

Social media is the Holy Grail of marketing for crypto and NFTs. It is a place where you can effectively market your products and a place where you can get the opinions of other people firsthand. You’ll need to create a social media page where you’d actively post relevant and creative content to keep people interested in you.

If you want to create a buzz of awareness for any product or news, you’ll need social media. No marketing strategy for any Web3 product is complete without social media. You can run social media ads or use an organic method.

Lastly, you need social media for creating a community forum. Community forums are great for passing and gaining information.

But before jumping on every social media platform to open an account, you have to know which social media platforms are an asset. Platforms like Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are great for reaching many people and eventually creating community forums.

-Affiliate Marketing

You probably know about affiliate marketing, but you may not know that it’s a big way for crypto and NFT companies to spread the word out. Using crypto affiliates is a great way to direct traffic to your website and improve your traction, and it’ll only cost you a little in commission fees. The more people who know you exist and can find out what you’re about, the more chances of getting new customers. This is what affiliate marketing would help you do. To set it up, you’ll need to enable an affiliate campaign on your website. When affiliates sign up, they’ll do the marketing for you, and you get to pay them a commission for every signup they generate for you. If you’ve never considered it, then start thinking about it.


There’s a reason why airdrops are one of the top marketing strategies in the crypto and NFT space. The short explanation for that is in one word — freebies. The more extended version is that people love free things. When you start airdropping your new coin or NFT, many people would cue in to be a part of it. Depending on how many coins you have to give out and how long it takes, an airdrop would raise a buzz around your product as more and more people try to get one.

To get the buzz started, take advantage of Telegram community forums. They are willing to spread the word, and you can reach many people that way.

-Announce Your Moves

Moving in silence is a luxury you can’t afford when trying to market your product. You’ll need to be loud and proud, making sure that any moves you make are shouted down from the rafters or any of the mediums available to you.

In essence, announce your activities. These include any significant moves that your company would be making. Use Press releases, official social media accounts, community forums, and other available means. You can even organize an event to announce or unveil any new information with social media. You can publish STOs, IEOs, and ICO dates.

The reason for this is to keep your brand fresh in your audiences’ minds. There are so many new attractions popping up in the Web3 space that if you aren’t serious about staying relevant and upfront in your audiences’ minds, you’ll lose your position to someone else.

Wrapping Up

Marketing in the crypto and NFT industry is a necessity right now. If you want to gain traction for your product and make sales, you need marketing strategies that cut through the noise and reach people. The best and biggest Web3 and blockchain companies have used these methods successfully, and you can also use them.

With TokenSuite, all your crypto and NFT marketing needs are covered expertly. We place great importance on branding and curating the best experience for community building and sustenance both in the short term and in the long term.

