Kwame’s curated audio-visual collection to launch as a resource for breaking into the music business

Published in
4 min readNov 17, 2022

For immediate release — London, United Kingdom; 17 November 2022

Renowned British manager, music consultant, musician and record producer Kwame Kwaten is launching his new innovative project on Web3 music platform TokenTraxx on 23 November 2022.

Titled ‘Kwanna’, the tastemaker’s upcoming release bundles new music and artwork with educational utility.

Photo of Kwame Kwaten

In collaboration with visual artist Anna Carlyle and music writer and producer Namali Kwaten, aka NK-OK, Kwame is releasing a curated audio-visual collection that offers access to the most cutting-edge and music business insights of today.

Featuring an unreleased track and 12 unique designs, the first Kwanna drop is created to provide a mentorship platform for the community of like-minded music professionals eager to learn and interact.

The twelve unique pieces of music accompanied by animation will be released as digital collectibles featuring traditional Ghanaian names, with editions of 20 each.

Kwaten owns Ferocious Talent, an artist management and consultancy company, and is a co-founder of Cr8ing Vision, a non-profit that offers young people a range of educational programs, seminars, workshops, and opportunities in both the music and sports industries.

Talking about Kwanna, Kwaten said: “Usually when I mentor or lecture — it’s two-way. Sure I give lessons but I learn just as much from doing it. That is ultimately why I do it. The curated audio-visual artwork created in collaboration with NK-OK and Anna Carlyle means that the collectible hits you from several different angles. I love that it’s new!”

Each ‘Kwanna vol’1 collectible minted on the Polygon chain for $25 enables access to Kwame’s Music Business Insights, an online masterclass split into two groups of up to 120 attendees.

All alumni will be invited to join a token-gated Telegram channel to interact and collaborate, in addition to being granted early access to Kwame’s future sessions.

By purchasing three or six collectibles from the upcoming release, attendees will be able to access additional benefits, including having their music or project reviewed and discussed in the Insights session.

Finally, one of the projects under review will be chosen for the ‘Golden Ticket’, an hour-long one-to-one session with Kwame.

Collage of 12 artworks in the KWANNA collection

In the spirit of inclusivity, six of the art x music collectibles will be reserved for giveaways. The masterclass will be offered to those who take the initiative to authentically connect and engage on social media.

The music industry is rapidly expanding the possible use cases for digital collectibles, leveraging innovative Web3 formats to drive engagement and interaction within the community.

Kwanna champions the new forward-thinking entrepreneurial music and fashion ethos, demonstrating the creative impact that innovation can have on the ways we learn, interact, and collaborate.

Commenting on Kwame’s upcoming release and his experiential approach to mentorship, Jason Lamont, Head of Music Strategy of TokenTraxx said: “Kwame is indisputably one of the UK’s most respected and revered music industry professionals. TokenTraxx is honoured to be working with him to push the boundaries in Web3 and to continue our mission to support artists and talent exploring this space by creating new and exciting ways to connect with audiences and unlock the value of their work.”

Artist Bio:

Kwame Kwaten is a British manager, music consultant, musician and record producer. Kwaten owns an artist management and consultancy company Ferocious Talent, and is a co-founder of Cr8ing Vision, a non-profit company that offers young people a range of educational programmes, seminars, workshops and opportunities in both the music and sport industries. Past and present artists managed by Kwaten include Laura Mvula, Rumer, Labi Siffre, Steve Brown, Blue Lab Beats, Caitlyn Scarlett and Peter & Kerry.

In 1989, Kwaten was part of a band, D-Influence, who were opening acts for Prince, Mary J Blige and Michael Jackson, and produced tracks for a number of prominent musicians including Shola Ama, Jay-Z and Mick Jagger.

In addition to running Ferocious Talent, Kwaten is involved in A&R at Point Blank Records and Points Blank Music Publishing .

In July 2018, Kwaten took over from Diane Wagg as Vice-Chair of MMF UK (Music Managers Forum).

2018 Kwame became a Trustee of the Mobo’s.

In 2021 Kwame became a Trustee of The Brit Trust.

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