Create Your Own Web3 Social App with Experts!

Elijah Henry
Published in
6 min read2 days ago
Web3 Marketing

The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and the advent of Web3 technology marks a new era in online interaction. Web3, with its promise of decentralized networks, user ownership, and blockchain integration, is transforming how we connect, share, and monetize content. A shining example of this transformation is SoMon, a decentralized Web3 forum that has swiftly risen to prominence, setting the stage for the future of social applications. If you’re inspired by SoMon’s success and looking to create your own Web3 social app, this guide will walk you through the essential steps, key considerations, and expert insights to help you embark on this exciting journey.

Understanding Web3 and Its Impact on Social Apps

Web3, often referred to as the decentralized web, leverages blockchain technology to empower users with greater control over their data and digital identities. Unlike traditional Web2 platforms, where data is stored on centralized servers, Web3 applications distribute data across a decentralized network. This shift not only enhances security and privacy but also enables true ownership of digital assets.

In the context of social apps, Web3 offers unprecedented opportunities for innovation. Users can create, share, and monetize content without relying on intermediaries, fostering a more equitable digital economy. Platforms like SoMon exemplify how Web3 can revolutionize social interactions by enabling user-owned communities and content monetization through blockchain-based mechanisms.

Understanding SoMon’s Success

SoMon, short for Social Monster, has quickly established itself as a trailblazer in the Web3 social app space. Launched just a month ago, the app’s impressive metrics speak volumes about its growing popularity and user engagement. Let’s delve deeper into the specifics of SoMon’s success:

300,000 On-Chain Transactions in 14 Days

Since its launch on Base, SoMon has recorded an astonishing 300,000 on-chain transactions in just 14 days. This rapid uptake underscores the platform’s appeal and its ability to attract and retain active users. The high transaction volume is a clear indicator of the vibrant activity within the platform, from content creation to community interactions and monetization efforts.

30,000 On-Chain Registrations in Two Weeks

Within the first two weeks of its launch, SoMon achieved over 30,000 on-chain registrations. This significant milestone highlights the platform’s effective onboarding process and the strong interest it has generated among users. The seamless and gasless registration process likely contributed to this rapid growth, lowering barriers for new users to join and explore the platform.

2 Million Social Engagements Among 300+ Tribes

SoMon’s community engagement metrics are equally impressive, with over 2 million social engagements recorded across more than 300 different Tribes (communities). These Tribes allow users to gather around shared interests, passions, and fandoms, fostering a sense of belonging and active participation. The platform’s design encourages users to interact, share content, and build connections, leading to a thriving ecosystem of social interactions.

80,000+ Users

In a short span, SoMon has attracted over 80,000 users. This growing user base reflects the platform’s wide appeal and its potential to scale further. The user-centric features, such as the ability to create and manage Tribes, have played a crucial role in attracting a diverse group of users, from crypto enthusiasts to general social media users.

Explanation of SoMon’s Unique Features and Innovations

User-Owned Communities (Tribes)

One of SoMon’s standout features is its emphasis on user-owned communities, or Tribes. These Tribes empower users to create, curate, and manage communities based on their interests. This decentralized approach ensures that users have control over their content and community dynamics, fostering a more engaged and invested user base.

Gasless Transactions

SoMon is the first Web3 social app to offer truly gasless transactions. By eliminating transaction fees, the platform lowers the entry barriers for users, making it accessible to a broader audience beyond the crypto-savvy community. This innovation has likely contributed significantly to its rapid adoption and high transaction volumes.

Content Monetization Tools (Megaphone)

SoMon provides robust tools for content monetization, with the ‘Megaphone’ feature standing out. This tool allows users to pay for promotional visibility, ensuring that their content reaches a wider audience. The revenue generated through Megaphone is redistributed to Tribe owners and stakeholders, creating an incentive structure that rewards active participation and quality content creation.

NFT Integration for Fragmented Ownership

Leveraging NFT technology, SoMon enables fragmented ownership of Tribes and content. Users can mint their Tribes, allowing for shared ownership and governance. This feature not only enhances user engagement but also introduces innovative ways for users to monetize their contributions.

Competitive Seasons and Community Token ($OwO)

To keep the community engaged and motivated, SoMon introduces competitive seasons where users can earn points and badges through their interactions. At the end of each season, SoMon will launch its community token, $OwO. The first airdrop will release 3% of the total token supply, with subsequent seasons distributing 1% of the supply. This token economy is designed to incentivize continued engagement and reward active users, further driving the platform’s growth.

Steps to Create Your Own Web3 Social App

1. Define Your Vision and Objectives

Start by outlining your vision for the Web3 social app. Identify the core objectives you want to achieve, such as fostering user-owned communities, enabling content monetization, or enhancing user privacy. Consider the unique value proposition of your app and how it differentiates from existing platforms.

2. Choose the Right Blockchain Infrastructure

Selecting the appropriate blockchain infrastructure is crucial for your app’s success. Opt for a scalable and secure blockchain that supports smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps). Popular choices include Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Solana. For instance, SoMon is built on the OpenSocial Protocol, which provides a composable infrastructure layer for social applications.

3. Design User-Centric Features

Focus on designing features that enhance user experience and engagement. Some key features to consider include:

  • User-Owned Communities (Tribes): Allow users to create and manage communities around their interests.
  • Content Monetization: Integrate tools like SoMon’s ‘Megaphone’ for users to monetize their content through promotional visibility.
  • NFT Integration: Leverage NFT technology for fragmented ownership and unique digital assets.

Gasless Transactions: Implement gasless transactions to lower entry barriers and attract a broader user base.

4. Develop a Secure and Scalable Platform

Ensure your platform is secure, scalable, and user-friendly. Collaborate with experienced blockchain developers to build the core functionalities, smart contracts, and decentralized architecture. Prioritize security measures to protect user data and assets.

5. Engage and Grow Your Community

Community engagement is pivotal to the success of any social app. Launch community-building initiatives, host events, and incentivize user participation through rewards and gamification. For example, SoMon introduced a competitive season where users earn points and badges through interactions, fostering a vibrant and active community.

6. Implement a Token Economy

Introduce a native token to facilitate transactions, reward users, and drive engagement. Plan the tokenomics carefully, including the total supply, distribution model, and use cases within the app. SoMon’s community token, $OwO, is an excellent example of how tokens can incentivize user activity and contribute to the platform’s growth.

Collaborate with Web3 Marketing Agency for Successful Projects

Building a successful Web3 social app extends beyond development; effective marketing is equally crucial. Partnering with a specialized Web3 marketing agency can significantly enhance your project’s visibility, user acquisition, and overall success. These agencies possess the expertise to navigate the unique challenges of the Web3 ecosystem and can help you with:

  • Strategic Marketing Campaigns: Develop and execute targeted marketing campaigns to reach your desired audience.
  • Community Building: Foster a strong and engaged community through social media, content marketing, and events.
  • Partnerships and Collaborations: Establish strategic partnerships with influencers, blockchain projects, and industry leaders.
  • Public Relations: Manage public relations to build credibility and attract media attention.


Creating a Web3 social app presents a remarkable opportunity to revolutionize online interactions and empower users. By following the outlined steps and collaborating with experts, you can build a platform that not only engages and benefits users but also stands out in the rapidly evolving Web3 landscape. With the right vision, technology, and marketing strategy, your Web3 social app can become the next big success story, just like SoMon. Embrace the future of social interactions and start your journey today!

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Elijah Henry

Experienced blockchain enthusiast and NFT writer with a passion for exploring the intersection of technology and art through decentralized platforms.