Announcing Tokenvote Beta!

Nathan Spataro
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2018

Something’s been missing from the world of cryptocurrency. Something so important, it’s difficult to believe it’s gone overlooked for so long — a reliable tool for token community governance.

The crypto industry has been built on the promise of the democratisation of services, institutions, networks, marketplaces, and applications. But so far, most Ethereum projects have done little more in the way of democratisation other than run the occasional twitter poll or solicit feedback on telegram. That’s all about to change.

Tokenvote is a world first tool for allowing token holders to meaningfully impact the ecosystems, and projects they support, by way of stake weighted voting and petitions. Using tokenvote, a holder of any ERC20 token can create a proposal about the future of the project. It could concern a technical upgrade, new feature idea, foundation governance matter, or something as simple as which exchanges they’d like to see their token listed on! Proposals can be easily shared amongst the community and via MetaMask other community members can add their voices. All declarations of support (or declarations against) are measured in token holdings — 1 token one vote, 1,000 tokens, 1,000 votes! Tokenvote allows communities to overcome the noise, shills, and bots, and focus on what matters — helping their projects succeed!

Our beta is currently only operating on the Kovan network, but our main net launch is scheduled for the coming weeks. As with any beta stage, we invite your sincere feedback. Let us know what you think, and shoot any questions to hello@tokenvote.

